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Who's ready for...(drum roll).. THE HILLS!


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Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
OMG I was thinking the same thing! She looks SO different, totally diff from when the show first started. She looks like a plata-puss. (spelling)
I think Lauren probably bought the dress. Hope so.
Ahaha! Platapuss(I don't know how to spell it either) is the perfect explanation of how Heidi looked! Hilarious!
I figured Lauren probably just bought the dress. Hope she can still wear the shortened version at least. I don't know why I'm so concerned with her dress!embarrassed.gif
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Originally Posted by sn2bski View Post
I agree that this episode seemed more staged than in the past-especially the Colorado scenes. I hope the whole season isn't like this or I will lose interest!
Everything in Colorado was super fake! I wanted to up-chuck. Yet and still I watch on....girl_werewolf.gif
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Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
gimme a b-r-o-d-y!!!! BRODYYY i love him and i cant wait to see the next show. i cant believe he was an ahole to lauren :o( we will have to see what happens...
I love Brody too! I can't believe that he has a new girlfriend-I don't want him too! wtf.gif
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I finally got to watch the first episode last night, and I am so glad you ladies were commenting about Heidi's lips. I couldn't figure out if it was her lip gloss, if she had something done or what. She looked terrible! I too thought she was going to be in Paris for a summer, not a week. I figured something with Brody would happen, once a player always a player. I'm pretty sure that Lauren and Whitney were put up in that hotel either because they are on the show and it was publicity for the hotel, or MTV paid for it so they could film them there. I like Lauren, but she makes bad decisions. First, she doesn't go to Paris the first time because of douche bag Jason. Then, this time she goes and decides to wear the dress that was given (?) to her to a nightclub. Doesn't she realize she was given a second chance to prove herself, and yet she still does something dumb like that. I know she was really upset about ruining the dress so she probably thought nothing would happen to it, but why take that chance. I don't know that just bugged me. Overall, I still thought it was a good show since I have always wanted to go to Paris-now I REALLY want to go. It looks so beautiful!

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Ooooh....I was so looking forward to this. I loved the Hills and all it's ridiculousness...but I hated this episode.


I think if you added up all the "silent moments" where people just stared at each other (heidi's parents staring at spencer, heidi staring at spencer, spencer staring at hiedi, lauren staring at whitney, whitney staring at lauen...the list goes on. UGH!!! I am guessing that the writers of this show are easing their way back into working again?


And what was up with the random motorcylce dude?


They wanted this to be so sex in the city when Carrie went to paris. They filmed so many of the same locations, the same music. smile43.gif That was such a rip-off!!!!!


But i'll be setting my dvr and tuning in again next week blush2.gif

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