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Kids say the funniest things...


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I think it is much easier to sell Santa then the easter bunny. At least santa is a person, but how do you explain a bunny rabbit with the ability to deliver and hide eggs? All of Liam's friends in sk, told him there is no easter bunny or santa. Liam argued that there has to be because his mommy and daddy would never get him that many presents or chocolate, because his mommy says it's bad to be greedy so she would never be that nice, lol. My standard reply is if you don't believe you don't get, therefore even the teenagers in my home believe:)

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Kids not only say the craziest things they do them as well. Amir wants hair in private areas. So we told him it would happen when he got older. He said No mommy I want hair now and then he tried to pull it out of his head and put it under his arm.



Oh yea and girls have Chinas for those of you who didnt know

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Originally Posted by LadyP View Post
Kids not only say the craziest things they do them as well. Amir wants hair in private areas. So we told him it would happen when he got older. He said No mommy I want hair now and then he tried to pull it out of his head and put it under his arm.

Oh yea and girls have Chinas for those of you who didnt know
That is hillarious! smile120.gif
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Originally Posted by LadyP View Post
Kids not only say the craziest things they do them as well. Amir wants hair in private areas. So we told him it would happen when he got older. He said No mommy I want hair now and then he tried to pull it out of his head and put it under his arm.

Oh yea and girls have Chinas for those of you who didnt know
hahahahahhahahahahaha thanks for the laugh!!!!!!
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My four year old neice, who is actually 14 trapped in a tiny body, is obsessed with Hannah Montana. The other day we were watching TV and she saw this doll and got super excited. So I say, "Ava, you really love Hannah Montana don't you?" To which she replies, "Well E, I pretty much love everything I see on TV." So matter of factly!

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