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feeling oddly prepared and it's stressing me out


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Make sense? My wedding is in less then 2 months and I feel like I have done everything I needed to do. Well, my sis and I are still working on the flowergirl dresses and the OOT bags, but other then that, I feel like I don't have anything to do. It's kinda weirding me out, cuz I feel like I am forgetting stuff, but I've checked over my lists and everything appears to be in order? Now, how to tell my nerves that...

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I'm feeling the same way. I'm so calm & just doing little projects here & there. I felt like I couldve gotten married 6 months ago.


Occasionally I do panic that I will forget to do the legal ceremony in NC before we leave. How terrible would that be? Spend all this time thinking about hair flowers & then forget to get married.


I told mike yesterday he is in charge of marriage day. He is in charge of making sure we remember to get married legally, finding out what we need to do & planning whatever he wants to make that day special. I know what his plans will include because he looked really happy to be incharge. I'm excited about marriage day because it will be just about the two of us. It's fun to have both. The private celebration of our marriage & the one with family & friends.

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
That does sound fun Morgan. But what a story you would have to pass along to your younger generations about how gradma and grandpa forgot to get married! Hahahaaa
...and that's the tale of how maw & paw forgot to get hitched. But, that didn't stop us from having a honeymoon :)

I'm not making a big deal about the NC marriage because to me the wedding in mexico it the real wedding. NC is just paperwork. I think that's why I kept forgetting we needed to do it. But, we still want to make it fun. Our parents know, but we aren't making it very public. So it's kind of fun. Our own secret day. I bought a cute white lace dress. We started talking about when to go do it & I got tears in my eyes. It's really starting to hit me how quickly the wedding is coming up. I haven't decided if I'll put marriage day pictures in my photobook. I'll definitly post some on here. Maybe I can put them in as the day we went to the courthouse. I mean, all couples have to do that before their wedding.
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