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Not having an AHR?


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we didn't do an AHR. no one thought it was rude because no one really knows much about DW stuff or the AHR concept. besides, our family is so spread out, if they really wanted to travel across the country, they would have just came to the wedding!


i sent everyone mini photo albums of wedding pics that i put together myself for friends and family who couldn't come to the wedding.

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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
we didn't do an AHR. no one thought it was rude because no one really knows much about DW stuff or the AHR concept. besides, our family is so spread out, if they really wanted to travel across the country, they would have just came to the wedding!

i sent everyone mini photo albums of wedding pics that i put together myself for friends and family who couldn't come to the wedding.
Thats such a nice idea (mini photo albums)!
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im not having an AHR. why should i pay to throw a second wedding for the people who couldnt (or wouldnt) make the trip to my DW? my FI's parents will likely be flying in for a weekend in july when we do our legal wedding, and we will do a nice dinner for our parents. but if anybody from here who didnt go to my DW wants me to do something for them, they can come over to my house and look at photos and watch the wedding video. i just think for us an AHR is totally unnecessary.

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Totally agree. We're not having an AHR and it never even crossed my mind to do so. We're doing the DW because we don't want so many people there. To me, having an AHR would just be like having an at home wedding, which is what we wanted to avoid in the first place.


There are no rules; don't be obligated to do anything you don't want to do.

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Thanks girls. I really like the mini photo album idea. I agree about the added expense. MOST of the people I really care about will be there anyway. I feel better about it now. I may just do a BBQ at my house when we get back something SUPER casual. Maybe show the video and pictures. smile29.gif

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It's definately not rude!!!


The whole reason we decided to do destination is to eliminate the big production with a bunch of people. If we had an AHR then it wouldn't make sense. So we aren't doing one.


You just have to decide what is important to you. In your situation I don't really see a point in having one in Texas for some people you aren't that close too anyway.


We are also having a "pre-wedding" celebration which was supposed to be a coed bridal shower but FI felt so wierd about it I turned it into a "pre-wedding" celebration so those who can't come to mexico will be coming to this....gives them the opportunity to offer congrats...

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We have a somewhat simialr situation... my family is in MN and my fiance is in Canada.... so hosting 'one' would be difficult.


Plus I honestly don't really want one. We have decided on a compromise though... and will probably host some sort of bbq in MN for our family and closest friends that are unable to come. Then potentially something similair in Canada (however FI's brother is getting married that following summer so now we may be sort of off the hook).

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We're not having one either. A few people have asked about it, but I've sort of brushed it off with a "we'll see" kind of attitude. Honestly, I think once the wedding is over they will kind of forget.


My sister is also getting married in May '09 at home (doing the traditional wedding) so our big family wedding will be then and people can get that out of their system then! haha


But seriously, we did pick DW because we wanted small & intimate, so having an AHR would completely defeat the point, and not be us AT ALL.

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