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Crazy Customer Stories

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omg!!! your customer stuck her hand up your skirt?!??!?! WHY!? Like seriously....I'd flip the F out if someone tried to do that to me!!!


My clients are just all kind of mean or nuts. I work for a car dealership in the service dept...so helping people w/ maintenance or repairs on their cars. Probably the most common issue is that people never want to pay for stuff...so they're always asking "Is xx item under warranty?" Fine...but when it's really obvious that it's NOT, why are you calling me?! Like, "I backed into a pole in the parking lot...is that covered by my warranty?" And they're serious.


Or the lady that called in a PANIC for roadside assistance...I ask what she needs help with and she tells me she's at the dentist w/ her kid and she's afraid she's going to run out of gas. A lot of questioning takes place, but suffice to say that the woman STILL has gas in her car she just thinks it's low and doesn't want to take the chance of running out so she wants us to bring her some. I ask where she is...and it turns out she is literally within walking distance of a gas station that I've been to numerous times. She refuses to drive the 1/4 mile from the dentist office to the gas station becasuse she's afraid she might "break down and get stranded with her child". OMG. It was unbelieveable. Our service driver had to go take her a gallon of gas because she refused to put gas in her own car literally just yards away.


Or my favorite, which happens on a regular basis...at least a few times each month. Someone calls freaking out that "both the blinker lights are flashing at the same time!!!!" I ask could it possibly be that they accidentally hit the button for their hazard lights? No, no...that couldn't be it. The client is postive there's no earthly way that has happened...the light just started flashing for no reason whatsoever. I reccomend just TRYING to press the button for the hazards to see if they turn off. Of course the refuse 'casue they're so sure that isn't the problem. It usually take a solid 5 minutes of talking to convince them to just TRY it...and then another couple minutes to describe the large, rectangular button w/ the flashing red triangle on it -IN THE CENTER OF THEIR DASHBOARD - (literally right next to the cd player!!!) then they finally push it and go, "Oh! Well I guess that took care of it. Why did that happen?!?!" what.gif Are you kidding me?! 'cause you or something in your car accidentally pushed the button...that's why it happened!! rant.gif People are f'ing DUMB sometimes.


I've got literally hundreds of stories that would shatter your faith in the intelligence of the human race. My friends actually request my work stories just to laugh at how ridiculous our clients are. At least they're good for something, right?!?!? ;-)

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I was robbed at the bank I used to work at.


This guy walks in and heads straight to the teller counter. As he was walking toward me he had his wallet out, I noticed that there wasn't anything in the wallet and instantly felt something wasn't right. But being that the bank was in a nice neighboorhood I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Said "hi how are you?" he said "good" and then showed me a piece of paper that said "give me all of your money, or else..."

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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
I was robbed at the bank I used to work at.

This guy walks in and heads straight to the teller counter. As he was walking toward me he had his wallet out, I noticed that there wasn't anything in the wallet and instantly felt something wasn't right. But being that the bank was in a nice neighboorhood I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Said "hi how are you?" he said "good" and then showed me a piece of paper that said "give me all of your money, or else..."
That's just scary. My little brother was robbed at gunpoint lat work ast weekend and he still isn't over it (neither are we). Did they catch the guy?
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Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
That's just scary. My little brother was robbed at gunpoint lat work ast weekend and he still isn't over it (neither are we). Did they catch the guy?

Nope, never caught him. It was a pretty crazy experience. Obviously being robbed at gun point is WAY WAY worse than being robbed at a bank. At a bank it's not personal. That really sucks for your brother.
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Originally Posted by Lilpaisley View Post
No, she said they were for herself...and they were fine the way they were. No major damage, fully functioning clipbacks. For 60+ year old earrings they are in great shape.

The only thing I can think of is that she watches too much Antiques Roadshow and thinks if they stay clips they will retain the collectable value...which isn't true.
maybe she is a germ-a-phobe and doesn't want to wear clips that someone else wore?
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Originally Posted by redwards View Post
I've got literally hundreds of stories that would shatter your faith in the intelligence of the human race.
Originally Posted by amandalovesryan View Post
i bet abby has some great stories since she works with an airline!
Ha! Right after I read Rachelle's statement, I see Amanda's :) I was thinking the same thing as Rachelle.
Man I have some airport stories that would blow you out of the water, from the mild to the insane.
Mild- One time I got called to security to witness one of our passengers who was searched and ended up having a baggie of marijuana in his pocket. He said he "forgot it was there." Right. The Port Police get called out too and because it was such a small amount the police confiscate it but don't charge him as long as we say he is ok to fly. If the police don't charge him, we let 'em go.
Insane-At Christmas time about 3 years ago an irate passenger threw a potted poinsettia that was sitting on the customer service counter at an agent. She was upset because she missed her flight.
Mild-I was waiting at the bottom of a jetway for an aircraft to push back from the gate. All of the sudden a woman comes running down the ramp at me and screams "You have to stop that plane!" I had to herd her back up the ramp and figure out how the hell she got in the jetway, since we were done with the flight and the security door was closed. She explained that she was late for her flight so she just opened the door and ran down. I asked her "Did you not notice the HUGE sign on the door that says "DO NOT ENTER! Authorized Entry Only?"
Insane-A few years ago after the infamous Mary Kay LeTourneau was released from the local womens prison, her, uh, "significant other" was flying back from New York on us after giving an interview on the Today Show. Since 9-11, you can't get thru security unless you have a ticket for a flight. There was an insane amount of cameras and crew, all of whom had bought last minute tickets paid for by local news stations, milling all over the concourse looking for his flight. When the inbound flight from Newark arrived and deplaned, our supervisors met him at the aircraft and escorted him down to a waiting van on the tarmac. The amount of camera light and flashes goin on at the windows was crazy, they were all trying to get scoop thru the window on a dark and stormy night.
Mild-Random drunk people, varying acts of lewd behavior and partial nudity, people "stretching" in odd places, dog poop in the middle of the hallway, I could go on and on. It never ends here!
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