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The Lovely Bones-BC Discussion #1


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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
Jamy, I agree about the marriage part. I, too, felt differently this time around. The first read I thought why would that happen? Wouldn't you lean on eachother and care for eachother? But the second read I realized that it shows how everyone is different and we would all react in ways we wouldn't expect.

And Grandma Lynn was a riot! She reminded me a little bit of my spit-fire Grama :) Doing what she wants and not caring if it's exactly the way it "should" be done.
Totally! The first read I was thinking "that bitch!" lol but who knows how we would react and what others factors come into play. One person shuts down, one needs solace and can't get it from the shut-down person, it's just an awful situation!
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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
BTW--Cali, I want to change my book suggestion for next time. I had 2nd thoughts about my old book and I think it might be too dull. I'll email you my new suggestion.
Thanks I think it would be easier if everyone emailed ([email protected]) or pmed me letting me know. It's easier to keep track that way and doesn't interrupt the thread with book suggestions flying everywhere. Hahah. Plus if any one else wants to join just let me know.

BTW. I still havent finished the book. I'm reading right now trying to finish before I read to many spoilers. HAAHA
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I had to cram to finish the book last night, I didn't want to come on BDW until I was done! but I finished up this morning.


I really liked the book, it was a very sad depressing topic, but very interesting.


I too was very upset about the mother leaving the family. But then I thought about DH's family, they lost a son about 7 years ago, and I watched them go through so much emotionally and almost end up divorced, so I can understand how incredibly difficult the loss of a child can be and sometimes you don't want to lean on each other, sometimes you just want to be left alone.


I loved how the author portrayed "heaven" and how it is what you want it to be. And I also liked that Susie was able to come back and have one last night with Ray, that was sweet.


Mr. Harvey creeped me out, I had this picture in my head of this disgusting pervert and while I did feel a little bit bad for him and this troubled childhood, I mostly just felt anger and disgust towards him.

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* Lets just give opinions of the book...good and bad! How did you feel when reading it, what were your favorite/least favorite parts? *


I thought this book was good. Kind of creepy in the beginning with the shady neighbor building the hide away hole....that creeped me out. I was also upset when the mother left and hooked up with the police guy.... I was like what.gif I can't believe her.

I'm glad her sister was able to get out of the house in time and that she grew up healthy along with her father.....I liked the grandmother also.

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I loved it. I think it hit home because this is kinda what I do for work - sex crime prosecution. It was a nice reminder to me that victims are victims forever. It doesn't just go away because a case is over. It's always good to have a reminder of that.


I understand why the mom left. She was overwhelmed and wanted an escape. It was totally selfish and horrible, but I understand it. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to lose a child.


My fav part was when she got to be with Ray. I thought that was an amazing twist!


Loved grandma too. She was amazing and I want to be just like her!!!!

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I loved this book. For me it was weird because I have some wierd fear of psycho serial killers so when I started reading I was like uh-oh. But it actually made me feel better because when Susie died that wasn't THE END for her - she still watched over her family and was with them. I loved how she would "appear" for her dad, Ruth, and her little brother. I liked how she met the other victims. The Mr. Harvey thing made me sick to my stomach - how he built that thing in the backyard and had Susie's dad help - What a POS. I understand why susie's mom left although it was f-d up. I was glad she went back at the end. I think the Grandma was what kept it all together in the end. She was the best! I could write more but this is starting to turn into a book itself!

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6.) "Pushing on the inbetween" is how Susie describes her efforts to connect with those she has left behind on Earth. Have you ever felt as though someone was trying to communicate with you from "the inbetween"?


I have a couple weird stories about this.

First: DH's grandma was amazing. She was my soulmate. I always tell DH the reason we met was because I was meant to meet her. There was a time while I was in law school that DH and I weren't dating anymore - and not talking at all. Randomly one night during that time as I was laying in bed I started crying. I started thinking about what would happen if Mere (what we called grandma) died while DH and I weren't together. Now, she wasn't sick or anything so this was a totally random thought. When I say I was crying I mean sobbing!! A mess. I finally fell asleep but the next morning, more tears. It was weird. So I pull myself together and go to class. I'm at lunch with 2 girlfriends when DH calls me (we hadn't talked in months) and tells me that Mere passed away the night before and she told him to tell me goodbye. I totally lost my shit!! It was so crazy!


Second: I had this defendant who I've had a million cases with. He never pleads out, he always makes me go to trial - even on clear cases. Our last case was just a month ago and the morning of trial he pleads out. I couldn't believe it - so not him. I go back to my office after his plea and check my email. That is when I found out my godfather - a judge - had died. His funeral was 4 days later and if I had been in trial I wouldn't have been able to go. I know he totally "took care" of the defendant so I could be there for his memorial.

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I really enjoyed the book. The thing I found interesting is the way in which the author really made me struggle to identify people and things as acceptable or unacceptable.


Mr. Harvey - obviously the murder was unacceptable, and I always wanted justice or whatever, but the stories from his childhood almost made me feel like the author wanted me to sympathize.


Abigail - the adultery and the abandonment of the family - I struggled with this one, I really wanted to sympathize with her - the murder of a child would be so hard to accept. But, the author made it hard - she lies to her then 12 year old child and promises she won't leave, etc.


Grandma Lynn - a raging alcoholic, with a massive vanity problem - but you can't help but LOVE her.


Ruth - this vaguely goth, vaguely lesbian loner who feels connections to the afterlife. Am I supposed to be put off by her because of the goth/lesbian/loner thing, or am I supposed to think she's great because all of these damaged women in heaven are so appreciative.


The other thing that bothered me throughout the story was: why the rape? It didn't seem that relevant to the story. The family never affirmatively knows - they don't have a body, there is no evidence to see, so there's no real connection to everything going on with them. Susie brings it up here and there, but not really in any significant way. I just struggle to see the point of having it there at all, except for shock factor. And if that was the purpose, I find it rather repugnant.


I'd be very interested to hear what a man thinks of this book. It's very clearly written to be read by a woman. I'm just curious if a man reads it, can he even connect to it?

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Originally Posted by becks View Post
I'd be very interested to hear what a man thinks of this book. It's very clearly written to be read by a woman. I'm just curious if a man reads it, can he even connect to it?
Not my man, I can assure you he wouldn't make it too far into this one...lol You raise a good point though!
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