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Possible family conflict with wedding date?

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Keep your plans and let him work around you! he can always, IF his plans even become legit, have his wedding at a resort near yours the week before or after your wedding. People who want to go to both can overlap their vacations, but that's his problem to figure out not yours:)

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
I can only say what everyone else has said - send out your std's pronto!

He isn't engaged, has no job, has no right to "claim his turf"
agreed. (now before you read the rest, realize im having a bad afternoon here at work and take it with a grain of salt but...)

who the F does your cousin think he is?

1) he's not engaged
2) no job
3) he's been dating her for 10 months, youve been dating for 6 years, he has no stake to claim your DW territory if he's not even engaged
4) pick your location and send your save the dates before he gets engaged, then he can throw all the hissy fit he wants, its too fucking bad, but he wasnt even engaged when you already sent your stuff out...
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I too say keep your plans. If he knows your date is already set, why in the hell would he want to schedule his wedding 1 month before yours? fryingpan.gif

Also, your plans are already made, his are "in the making". Why rearrange your plans for something thats still an "idea"?

Lets say you changed your date just to avoid the conflict of his "potential" date & for whatever reason his plans fall through? Then you did all of that for nothing & you could've kept your original date! I say he better consider himself lucky that you're even thinking about this and go about his merry way with a date after yours!

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oh and also-----


i advise you not allow there to be a DW of yours and his within the same week. if you want to know why, just ask betsy and search for her threads about her FSIL who invited herself to have her DW the same weekend as her DW at the same resort.

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I say no stick with your date and tell him to figure something else out. I had a friend who changed their DW to the same month and year as mine. When I told her I wouldn't move mine cause that is what worked for us then she compromised and now she is getting married in the DR also.

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Originally Posted by mauraw View Post
oh and also-----

i advise you not allow there to be a DW of yours and his within the same week. if you want to know why, just ask betsy and search for her threads about her FSIL who invited herself to have her DW the same weekend as her DW at the same resort.
No I don't think the same week, at the same resort is a great idea but I see no big deal if arranged at another resort so the weeks over lap so that family members may be able to make both weddings. The summer I married my first husband there was a wedding every weekend for the whole entire summer, it was no big deal I never felt that one wedding took away from another. Make your plans and when and if he is planning a dw then he can figure out the details of what works best, I would't worry about it now, it may never come to light.
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Let's see, how can you tell him this nicely...


How about:

"you're not only NOT at the back of the line, you're not even IN line."




"Right, sure, and while you're working on that, why don't you get some help from Santa and the Easter bunny?"




"Too bad. So sad"


I could go on. Feeling a little feisty today...

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