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Sit next to a bunch a wack jobs

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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
OMG - I am so feeling you girl. For me, what KILLS me, is I don't even really have to directly work with these people, we just happen to have cubes in the same space. So, there is really no reason for me to HAVE to tolerate any of their assinine shit. I think that makes it worse for me - zero vested interest in even caring.

The guy that sits behind me is a heavy smoker, so I feel like I'm sitting in an ashtray all day. He REEKS enormously. And he has a serious phlegmy smokers hack...I feel like he's coughing all over me. I literally duck when he coughs. Oh yeah, he's about 99% deaf too - so I have to deal with that all day long. Stinky, deaf, oblivious fool.
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Just reading through these makes me feel better. The ladies I work with drive me Nuckin' Futts!!! Seriously, can you DO something besides complain? Every day all day - complain, gripe, bitch, moan, complain.... ENOUGH ALREADY!! Today they complained about the bonuses not being enough. AT LEAST OUR COMPANY GIVES THEM!! The last 2 companies I worked for did not give any except to exec. mgmt! We are lucky to get this and the great benefits.

Has anyone watched "the bad girls club"? MJ and I refer to my co-workers as the "hyiena (sp?) sisters". We got the name from there.

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Oh, I'm with Maura... ewwwww!


I had an apartment in LA once upon a time, and the guy who moved into the unit above mine had one of those hacking phegmy coughs. I referred to it as a tuberculin cough. I heard it every morning at 5AM for like 4 months before I moved. Sooo icky!!!!

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He's out having a smoke as we speak. Doesn't even pop a piece of gum or a mint or anything. He also has one of those awesome nicotine stain spots on his smoking hand middle finger - that's hot!


I was telling someone yesterday that my work area is like a combination of The Office & Seinfeld...

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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
He's out having a smoke as we speak. Doesn't even pop a piece of gum or a mint or anything. He also has one of those awesome nicotine stain spots on his smoking hand middle finger - that's hot!

I was telling someone yesterday that my work area is like a combination of The Office & Seinfeld...
omg, gross christa. there was a partic. good rerun of the office on last night when michael lets dwight be in charge of picking the new benefits plan, and he decides to completely cut all benefits, then when people complain, he tells them to write their ailments on a slip of paper so he can determine what will or wont be covered. then when they submit a bunch of fake ones, he gets all pissed off. he draws a piece of paper out of the pot, and it says "anal fissures" and is like "ALRIGHT nobody here has anal fissures, this isnt funny" and the camera shoots to kevin looking embarassed and he says "well somebody does"

FI and i were laughing so hard about it last night. his office is way worse than any ive ever seen, his boss is corrupt and embezzles money, etc etc. one time recently, he called jose into his office and SERIOUSLY asked "where is the @ symbol on the keyboard?" doh.gif
jose took that to mean that his boss never originates emails, he only replies to what other people send him first. wtf. what an IDIOT!
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Totally understand - it's really so frustrating!! The guy in the cubicle next to me can NOT sit still for anything. I mean all day long, tapping his feet, talking to himself, making some other noises from his mouth, slamming his drawers shut (literally slamming-it hurts my ears), its crazy. I could go on and on....


I empathize with ya!!!

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haha this reminds me of "the office." Anyone watch the show? It's hysterical and so relatable to your job.


Everyone I work with is pretty cool- they were just throwing a nurf football down the hall a bit ago. My boss is the only annoying one. She has the most high-pitched "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!" or "I'm bacckkkkkkkkkkkk!" whenever she steps like 10 feet from her office. Oh lordy.

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
haha this reminds me of "the office." Anyone watch the show? It's hysterical and so relatable to your job.

Everyone I work with is pretty cool- they were just throwing a nurf football down the hall a bit ago. My boss is the only annoying one. She has the most high-pitched "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!" or "I'm bacckkkkkkkkkkkk!" whenever she steps like 10 feet from her office. Oh lordy.
I absolutely LOVE the Office - can't wait for it to come back!!
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