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Sit next to a bunch a wack jobs

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So funny, right now something is unfolding that I can't believe people don't stop to think about. Here I sit a my desk & 3 people are having a full on meeting right in front of my desk that has nothing to do with me. I cannot concentrate due to this, so I thought I would come back to this thread & report.


Don't mind me - they pay me to sit here & listen to arguements & meetings between a high level sales exec & a fricking purchasing assistant.

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Christa, you should give them your 2 cents on the subject, and then when they look at you like "who is she?" Just say politely "Oh I thought you were talking to me too since your in my freakin cube!" wink.gif

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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
Christa, you should give them your 2 cents on the subject, and then when they look at you like "who is she?" Just say politely "Oh I thought you were talking to me too since your in my freakin cube!" wink.gif
hahaha yes!
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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
Christa, you should give them your 2 cents on the subject, and then when they look at you like "who is she?" Just say politely "Oh I thought you were talking to me too since your in my freakin cube!" wink.gif
I've done this...guess what happens - they take my advice & invite me to the next meeting. Bad move!
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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
haha this reminds me of "the office." Anyone watch the show? It's hysterical and so relatable to your job.
that is the - BEST - movie!!! i love when they beat the printer to death in the field, they boot it hahaha also in the very beginning when the dude is stuck in traffic rapping along with tu pac or something and when the blk guy walks by his car, he turns it down, locks his doors and starts back up when the dude is gone. hahaha opmg i copuld go on about that movie.

but ya know what i really hate with these few people i sit near- is ill come in and say "hey good morning." and not one person says anything back. or if someoe sneezes, ill say "bless you." k- nothing back. rudeness irritates me. im pms'ing too so this dont help matters right now.
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Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
that is the - BEST - movie!!! i love when they beat the printer to death in the field, they boot it hahaha also in the very beginning when the dude is stuck in traffic rapping along with tu pac or something and when the blk guy walks by his car, he turns it down, locks his doors and starts back up when the dude is gone. hahaha opmg i copuld go on about that movie.

but ya know what i really hate with these few people i sit near- is ill come in and say "hey good morning." and not one person says anything back. or if someoe sneezes, ill say "bless you." k- nothing back. rudeness irritates me. im pms'ing too so this dont help matters right now.

So not only do the "hyiena sisters" annoy me by complaining CONSTANTLY, but they are rude like that too!! I still say "hello" each morning, and "have a nice day" each evening though - I tryo to ignore the fact that they don't reply at all. Also, I ask if they need something when I go downstairs (cafe). Last week Sister #2 went to Sister #1's desk to see if she needed anything while downstairs - specifically asked HER not asked in general. Did I mention that our desks are just a few feet a part and NO divider?!? And, I have had sister 2 come stand IN FRONT OF MY DESK and speak over me to tell sister 1 (again - specifically HER not a general "announcement") that there is food in the break room from a meeting & she should get some before the rest of the people get it all. (such as pastries, fruit, etc) UUUHHHH HELLO!!??!?? I AM HERE TOO! Stupid sisters!!pokestick.gif
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Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
that is the - BEST - movie!!! i love when they beat the printer to death in the field, they boot it hahaha also in the very beginning when the dude is stuck in traffic rapping along with tu pac or something and when the blk guy walks by his car, he turns it down, locks his doors and starts back up when the dude is gone. hahaha opmg i copuld go on about that movie.

but ya know what i really hate with these few people i sit near- is ill come in and say "hey good morning." and not one person says anything back. or if someoe sneezes, ill say "bless you." k- nothing back. rudeness irritates me. im pms'ing too so this dont help matters right now.
Oh you're talking about the movie "Office Space"...I believe thats the title. me and a friend at work were talking about that movie a few days ago...poor Milton "but, but, but my stapler"...LOL. I cant stand about 90% of the women in my department. Theres this one chick who doesn't shut up...all day long she is yapping and her voice is loud and hi-pitched; I'm cringing just thinking about it. And no matter who is talking, she jumps in your conversation, she sometimes takes over the conversation. On top of that she'll throw anyone under the bus just to get ahead. One day she was out sick for a few days and I helped out in doing one of her accts...I was never trained on it and I spoke to her briefly on the phone so she can give me a few pointers. The next day when she gets back, I told her that I hope I didnt make any mistakes bc it was my 1st time and she said to dont worry about it bc she's made mistakes before, etc....I come to find out that I did make a SMALL mistake on something and she was talking about it behind my back and huffin and puffin like she had to a miracle to fix my error. Phew, glad I got that off my chest. LOL
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i've never in my whole life hated anyone as i loath this lady i work with. she is soooo stupid. and a RN. totally slow, all the docs hate her. she's rude to her patients, she pulls the whole power thing. i see her and i instictively roll my eyes, i cannot stop myself. whenever she is charge, she pages me a billion times like... i'm going to step out now, page me if you need anything. like no shit. but each time she steps out!! i don't care!! and i never ever page her so... does she think i'm gonna start?

on top of that she had a crani so part of her skull is missing.... i'm so bad

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