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Sit next to a bunch a wack jobs

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I know I'm not perfect and am so not claiming to be but WTFFF!?? I sit next to the 2 most strangest people ever at work and I can't take it anymore. All they have to do is show up and I'm anoyyed. Very..."odd" is the only way I can put it. pokestick.gif



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Jaqueline - I am so glad to hear someone else say this!! I had a near psychotic break yesterday because I am SO F'ING SICK of 3 people that sit around me. They are so predictable...I can already see the stupid coming before it starts. Their personal habits & traits get under my skin to no end. I've decided they are so ultra-lame & annoying because they really have no lives of their own outside of work. They should be shot.

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I have one of those on my shift. We rotate what we're doing every 2 hours, and I swear...the powers that be sometimes are truly TESTING MY PATIENCE! I have gotten to the point that I will trade off certain parts of my job during the night just so I know I won't have to sit near him. I've never had anyone affect me this way, he makes my blood rise just listening to him breathe!!! He's grumpy and angry and mean and always sounds soooo put out by, oh lets see, doing his job!!! He's been there far too long now to leave and do something else, I'm just counting the days until he retires (3 years 8 months!). Luckily I'm not the only one that feels that way too! hahahaha Which makes getting through the night sooooo much better!


Remember to breathe....and just be thankful you aren't related to them! hehehe



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the bitch who sits across from me acts like she thinks shes my boss, listens in on my phone calls and then critiques the way i speak to people (i.e. you shouldnt tell them XYZ, you should say ZYX instead kind of bullshit), gives me attitute for NO reason whatsoever and then the next day acts like we're BFF (eww), has anger management issues that she takes out on our part time staff (which then they all come crying to me about why is she such a bitch)..... i could go ON and ON and ON and ON...

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Originally Posted by Aimless911 View Post
... he makes my blood rise just listening to him breathe!!! He's grumpy and angry and mean and always sounds soooo put out by, oh lets see, doing his job!!!
YES!! I have this same experience. I could go on a full on rant right now & hijack Jaqueline's thread. One of my Terrible Three is like this. She has this deep annoying sigh that I hear at least once every 2-3 minutes - that "ugh, I can't believe people keep making me do my job" sigh - so put out. Jeez, why don't you just friggin quit??
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Argh I KNOW everything said here is true. I feel so bad that I feel negative toward them sometimes but than Joe reminds me that "F THEM YOU'RE ALLOWED TO NOT LIKE EVERYONE!" hahah than I feel ok. But I swear, this one lady walks like the humpback of Notre Dame and feels the need to explain EVERYTING she says to me after she says it, so the convo is liek an hour long. The guy next to me cheats on his wife so all I hear hsi him talking to dif women all day and fighting with his wife ANDDD he pretends he's this big Catholic- um hellohuh.gif Those two alone are enough to drive me up a wall into the ac vent...and I HATE being cold but I'd ratehr sit up there! And he ends every sentence with "Oh Lordy thank you Jesus...." or he begins or ends everything with the word "friend"


"thank you friend"

"how are u today friend"

"its cold today friend"

"im hungry friend"





whew i feel better hahaa

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OMG - I am so feeling you girl. For me, what KILLS me, is I don't even really have to directly work with these people, we just happen to have cubes in the same space. So, there is really no reason for me to HAVE to tolerate any of their assinine shit. I think that makes it worse for me - zero vested interest in even caring.


The guy that sits behind me is a heavy smoker, so I feel like I'm sitting in an ashtray all day. He REEKS enormously. And he has a serious phlegmy smokers hack...I feel like he's coughing all over me. I literally duck when he coughs. Oh yeah, he's about 99% deaf too - so I have to deal with that all day long. Stinky, deaf, oblivious fool.

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