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Bridesmaids!! Good grief!


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Ok so through this whole process I have been a very calm bride. Now one of my bridesmaids throws a curve ball at me.


We ordered these dresses back in Nov:

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Both bridesmaids complained that the shoulder would occasionally slip and the lenght was too long for their preference. I said ok, get them altered- duh. I told them not to go above their knee though because I wanted it to still look "wedding."


One BM insisted she wanted it shorter- 3 inches above her knee shorter to be exact. smile41.gif I remind her that it's not a cocktail dress. It's a BM dress- plus there is no one at the wedding she can pick up. She continues to whine that if the dress is at her knee, her legs will look chunky.


My MOH gets hers altered- no problem. My last BM comes over the other night in a panic with her dress saying she didn't get it altered. I tell her to use double stick tape on the boobs and deal with it being calf-length. I don't care. She's a toothpick and I thought the dress looked good on her as is. FI, my MOH and I kept telling her it looked fine. She insisted that she would get it altered to the knee. Fine- whatever.


I secretly worried that she would show up with her dress well above her knee like she wanted so I asked her today if she got it altered yet. She said "no, I think I'm just going to pin it short the day of the wedding." I told her ABSOLUTELY NOT! That will look shit. Unfortunately, she just laughed at me and said I'm totally being a "bride." OMG. I want to be chill and not be a bitch to people the day of the wedding, but I swear if I see one straight pin pop out the day of the wedding, I will kick some ass.


It's not my fault she waited so long! Don't ruin my pictures by having your dress look like a mess. Ugh- I can't wait for her to get married and torture her during this whole process.

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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
What's so hard about this situation?? You asked if they wanted to be in your wedding. They said yes. Now they have to do what you say. DUH!!! What is wrong w/people??
I know! The bride knows best. Isn't that in some book somewhere? Plus I BOUGHT THE DAMN DRESSES!
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OMG what a pita huh!


Well first- I HOPE none of them went shorter than you wanted b/c if they do tht's f'ed up.


Second- I do think you should say that you don't want it to look shitty and cheap with pins in it so just take it to get fixed. And also mention that she shouldnt have waited until last minute, OHH I am so mad for you.

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
I know! The bride knows best. Isn't that in some book somewhere? Plus I BOUGHT THE DAMN DRESSES!
huh02.gif Ok, well then you have double authority on this shit girl! Seriously - pin it up? Can you say GHETTO?

Yes - brides know best, especially in the EIGHT DAYS prior to their wedding!!!
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what is your relation to this girl? tell her she can wear the dress how she likes on her own time, but at your wedding she will wear it the way YOU like for YOUR pictures, which YOU will have to look at forever, NOT HER.


alternatively, tell her youre going to wear daisy dukes to her wedding if she messes with you.

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
I know! The bride knows best. Isn't that in some book somewhere? Plus I BOUGHT THE DAMN DRESSES!
Oh my word anddd you bought the dreses?? oh no, maybe you should give them a friendly "REMINDERRR" that you bought the dress and the least they can do is get fricken alteration so they look nice.

i hope this works out, keep us posted.

OH also youre the bride so you act however the f u want- bridezilla or not. when its there turn, they will see what its like.
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