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AUGUST '08 brides!!

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Originally Posted by Maura View Post
i think i have hit an all time wedding freak out high.

i was on the phone with my dad today and he told me "quit tweaking. you need to smoke a joint or something to calm down."
Wow, Maura! That's serious! I might recommend something more like the spa.
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well lets see son far the time is ticking for me, i still have to finish......


wedding souvineers

go for the final dress fitting

ship my wedding goods to jamaica

mail my notarized documents

finish my packing'

shop for odds and ends

oh one more thing celebrate my birthday on thursday july 10...lol


whats done so far........

paid for trip to jamaica

all wedding party have there attire

made my wedding cd

everyone has passports

scheduled the photographer

purchased gifts for parents

i have all my out of town bags

with gifts inside

i have my airline tickets


ive done basicly everything the list keeps going i would be here all night ladies.

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Maura!!!! One month from today!!!


Woohoo! So excited!


I really don't have a whole lot left to do. We're in the process of confirming all of our travel stuff, I have to add two pages of guest info to our welcome books. My last fitting is today, we've booked our legal day on 8/1. We still need to pick up rings, but other than that, we're set!

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rebecca, are you nervous?


i am having major anxiety about the number of people who have rsvp'd - its 40% more than i expected originally and i have been nauseous about it for the last two days. i really dont like being the center of attention of that many people, the idea makes my skin crawl.

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Nervous? No. But the selfish, spoiled, single girl in me keeps thinking that this marriage thing is really going to put a damper on her social life.


Don't worry about the RSVP list!! Yes, you'll have to shake a bunch of strangers' hands and kiss a bunch of relatives that you'd really rather not. But as soon as that's over, it will just be you and your friends. All the others are there to see your and Jose's parents. And frankly THEY will be the center of attention.


Seriously, I've heard this from everyone whose had a bigger wedding. Shake hands, kiss cheeks and then its you and your hubby and your buddies having a night out.


Plus, I think you'll feel much better after this weekend - the pressure is off and you can just have fun.


If your anxiety is really that bad, you might try bringing some aromatherapy oils or sachets with you - lavender and chamomile do wonders to soothe fragile nerves.

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i shouldve called you the other day when i was really tweaking. you always know what to say to make me feel better!


i went and got a reiki treatment last night, and have an appointment for foot reflexology tonight at 6 and a pedicure at 6 tomorrow. i am hoping all these things will relax me a little more. i am only slightly anxious about my legal day on saturday but thats because i'm responsible for picking the inlaws up from the airport, etc etc

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Originally Posted by Maura View Post
i shouldve called you the other day when i was really tweaking. you always know what to say to make me feel better!

i went and got a reiki treatment last night, and have an appointment for foot reflexology tonight at 6 and a pedicure at 6 tomorrow. i am hoping all these things will relax me a little more. i am only slightly anxious about my legal day on saturday but thats because i'm responsible for picking the inlaws up from the airport, etc etc
I know you're not anxious about the legal day, but it's all piling up and it's the layer upon layer that's probably making you frazzled. You should have seen me in late May - we went on a site visit on Friday, got back Monday, closed on the house on Wednesday, and moved on Thursday. I wasn't anxious about any one individual thing, but with everything going on I was craaaaaanky!
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So I have been waiting to hear back from an ordained (?sp) minister here in town that does really nice ceremonies to see if he could do our legal on 08/08/08 and I never heard back from him. Then when I went into work for an extra shift on Sun, I found out why. He has been in the hospital! I did talk to him and he said that if he is out of the hospital in time, he would do it.....but then I found out that once he is feeling better here, we are sending him back to the city for more surgery. Can't see it happening.


So yesterday during my very productive day in the city, we got our marriage licence from my MOH althought she has to get a co-worker sign it since she will be signing it later on, and she printed off a list of marriage commisioners in Alberta. There is one in my hometown and when I looked at her address, she lives 2 doors down from my Mom!!! I have to call her today to see if she can do it....keep your fingers crossed.

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