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Look bad in Wedding Dress!


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My arms were my biggest enemy. I started working out about a year before the wedding. i worked really hard that last 6 months and only lost 10 lbs. Congrats on your weight loss. it is not easy to do. I used 8 lb weights each night and it helped out alot. i still have the hanging flabby stuff but when it is your wedding day that is the last thing you are thinking about. You will look beautiful in your pictures!! One thing I did do during pictures is make sure my arms were never flat against my sides and I tried to be at an angle to the camera. It helped a little. Dont worry!!

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you look really pretty. You are seeing the worst, as you are your worst critic. I feel the same way! I finally took pictures in my dress and i don't feel like i look good but i also know that I am super critical of myself so i'm trying not to let my head trick me!...but I'm hoping that with all the fixin's it will turn out right.

Seriously you look great!

Just think positively because if you feel good you will look good!

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First of all you look great! You should be proud of yourself! I hate my arms too! I have been carrying around 5 lb weights and walking with weights to tone my arms without getting them huge. Don't be hard on yourself... you see every flaw, but the rest of us think you look great!

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I think you look amazing in your dress! And if your arms are bothering you, you're in luck because they are really easy to tone up. Go to target and grap a set of 8lb weights. I do a few different arm things with the weights every other night or so, and it's only been 1 month and I can see a difference. If you have a self magazine, or you can go to their website, they have awesome examples of good weight movements for arms, back and chest.

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I think if you scan through the "show us your dress" thread you'll see that most people don't look their best in a snap shot of them in their dress, but they look beautiful in their wedding pictures.


I'm not sure why, but I think it might be that such a beautiful dress makes a person look more casual if they aren't made up. I took several pictures of my in my dress & I felt like they all looked so bad. I didn't have on makeup & I just had my hair in a pony tail. That's how I normally look, but in a dress it just didn't look right.

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The first thing I noticed in your pics was your smile! Look how happy you are in that dress girl!! Quit focusing on the parts you don't like (which I am guilty of also!) And focus on your little waist and your beautiful dress and your smile! 65 lbs is an awesome weight loss and you should be proud of yourself! You look beautiful in that dress and I'm sure your FI will go crazy when he sees you!!

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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post

It is so hard! I wander why that is... you'd think that you'd be like YES YES YES but all i see is flabby arms in a strapless dress haha.. oh well i beter hit the weights fryingpan.gif

Its a mental thing. I have read several articles about obese women losing lots of weight and they mentally feel still overweight. I think in Shape or Fitness... totally cant remember, a lady who lost a lot of weight said that the attention was hard to take. She never really thought highly of her body and so when she was getting all this attention and people were noticing how fit and hot she looked it was strange.
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It's totally the lighting in the stupid bridal shop! Just like Morgan said, it's all about their stupid lighting!! You look fantastic and 65lbs is nothing to sniff at!!


Like everyone, focus the next couple of months on toning your arms if they are your mental trouble spot and the satisfaction of whipping those babies into shape in the next couple of months will be excellent payoff!!


Push up baby, push ups!!

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