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My car was broken in to last night


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Wow, this is a bummer! I'm just glad they didn't take anything else, especially your check book. It's a darn shame people have to resort to theft these days. I just wish folks would start treating others (and their property) they way they want to be treated.

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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
yep honda civic. But, it was not the factory part.

After I bought that stereo to replace my broken factory one, I learned about the kind with the input for plugging in your ipod. So I'll get that kind to replace it. Doesn't really make it better, but atleast I have something to look forward to. I listen to my ipod mostly when I drive.
I'm so sorry that this happened to you Morgan.

I seriously considered trading my vehicle in just so I can get an ipod hook up :)
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Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
That's so scary Morgan! Getting broken into makes you feel so violated. I had a car stolen once. It's so sad how desperate people are...

The good news is that you're ok. A cd player is replaceable :)
yep, that's how I feel. A cd player isn't something that is hard to replace or that expensive. I think it was $160. I'm bumed, but I'm not devistated.

I had my purse stolen in 8th grade at church. I haven't gotten over that one. I'm such a cautious person. I have a huge padlock on my computer at work & one on my monitor. I know this is just going to make me that much more cautious. I'll go back to removing the faceplate everyday & bringing it inside.

A guy in the lab next to me had his laptop stolen thursday. That would really upset me. All that information & how hard it is to replace. So I sent out an email warning everyone to backup their harddrives on thrusday. I planned to do a big backup on friday & my computer wouldn't start that morning. How crazy is that?

Luckily mike recovered my hard drive so i didn't lose anything. I had to buy a new hard drive. So I've been having some bad luck. But, I can tell I am so happy with my life because it really isn't getting to me. How can I be upset when so many other things in my life are so perfect?
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Originally Posted by Helen_S81 View Post
I'm so sorry that this happened to you Morgan.

I seriously considered trading my vehicle in just so I can get an ipod hook up :)
You can just swap out the stereo for one with an ipod hook up. What I was doing (prior to today) was using an itrip. I had my radio preset to a station that my itrip transmitted a signal to. So I'd plug in the itrip & it would play my ipod over that station. It works better if the ipod is also plugged into the outlet getting power. An itrip is about $30.

But, soon I'll have a stereo with an ipod input. That's the bright side of this.

I also have a clock radio I got at target for $20 that has an ipod input. It's really nice too. I play my ipod over the bathroom radio when i take a bath. I love listening to my podcasts. I'm addicted to "this amereican life."
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
yep, that's how I feel. A cd player isn't something that is hard to replace or that expensive. I think it was $160. I'm bumed, but I'm not devistated.

I had my purse stolen in 8th grade at church.

How can I be upset when so many other things in my life are so perfect?
OK, seriously? Your purse was stolen at church? Nothing is safe anywhere! smile105.gif I think there's a special place in hell for people that would steal something at church!

I love your attitude- that's kinda how I am about things... a car stereo is pretty small in the grand scheme of things. But still quite upsetting. Now, if my laptop got stolen I might have a major meltdown...I'm glad Mike recovered your hard drive- holycrapolascary!
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Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
That's so scary Morgan! Getting broken into makes you feel so violated. I had a car stolen once. It's so sad how desperate people are...

The good news is that you're ok. A cd player is replaceable :)

Well said! That is exactly how I felt when my car got broken into last month,my window got busted, and my new digital camera was stolen! I was thankful enough they didnt rob me while I was still in the car, as it seems it happened an hour or so after I got home at 3 in the morning! Jerks!
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