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Invitations too early???

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I also agree with sending out a save the date first.


I made our website and put ALL of the information regarding travel and our travel agents info and then sent the save the dates and directed them to the website. This way they can plan, prepare & pay if they choose to go. I'm following up with formal invitations in a few weeks.

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I sent out a Save-The-Date with a letter explaining our decision and directing them to our website. Our website contains all the details we have and all the updates... so that people who are on top of things can start planning ahead of time. We will be sending out our invites this summer with TA contact information once we want people to start booking.

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I agree with the STD plan-- I sent out my save the dates in august - 10 months before the wedding, and sent out my invitations in Jan-4 months before wedding.... If people know the resort- they can kinda get an approx of how much trip will cost. From my own personal experience- everyone talked about going, many people said they were coming when the STDs went out in August- no one actually booked until like Jan/Feb!!! (wedding is in May)...

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we set emails instead of STD's. We were in a rush because the deposits had to be in within 2 weeks so we didn't have a choice. At this point we figured its pointless to send them because everyone already knows the date and what's going on. So we're doing the invitations and we're going to send those out this summer, July or so. Our wedding is Apr 1st, 2009 so that should be plenty of time.

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I am also a May 2009 bride. I'm not doing STDs, just skipping right to the invitations. I'm waiting until the end of June/early July to send them out. Airlines post their flights schedules no more than 330 days in advance, so after I see the schedule, I will include that information with my invites and send them out. There are such limited flights to St. Lucia, so that makes it easier on me!


I'd say it all depends on how far along your planning is. If you have a definite place and you know the exact dates, I see nothing wrong with sending out the invitations. If you are a little unsure, then go with STDs.


I will be doing boarding pass invitations, so since I'll be working so hard on them, I didn't want them to become just a formality. I want them to actually invite people. Do what works for you!

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