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Uninvited Guest - the question once again

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A guy friend of my fiance, who is already rooming with another mutual friend of theirs, is also being joined by a female coworker for their vacation. They are not romantically involved - he is actually dating someone else, but the coworker has 2 kids at home and just "needed a vacation". Now he is asking if she can come to the wedding, and my FI said he'd ask me if there is room.


My due date for giving numbers and seating chart was yesterday, although my coordinator kind of extended it until tomorrow since I didn't finish my seating chart.


It is costing us $150 per head just for food and drink, and this girl isn't really even his date. I cut out other friends from my invite list just because the venue only fits 104 chairs and also of course to save my family $ (we are pretty much at the limit). However, I don't want to be completely rude to my FI's friend.



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I guess I would no longer worry about "proper" it isn't proper , IMO, to ask that a stranger be invited to someone elses wedding. I guess guys tend to not take stuff as personally as girls do so I would just say that due to financial restrictions you are not able to extend her an invite.


Oh and one more thing--I don't think I would even know (before doing a wedding) how much it would cost to throw one more person in there so that might have not crossed his mind.

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I am sure that a single guy has NO IDEA how much a reception costs. If he knew it would cost you $150 I bet he would never have even asked. However, I wouldn't tell him thats why she can't come, I would just say the final head count has been given and can't be adjusted.

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