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What's making you happy today?


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I finished yet another grad class today! Only a few more to go until student teaching!!!! I took a look at my ring today (over 6 months and it still makes me smile). Enjoying a glass of wine! And I have you lovely ladies (and gents) to make me happy! Anyone want to make me forget about the bad stuff, please check my other thread out. Right now the wine is making me forget about it though :-D



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Just being over with two tons or URGENT projects at work - meaning I can leave early tonight for the first time in weeks (I spent my Easter week-end at work, and most nights until 9-10pm since about a month !) !!!


AND I'm super happy because my new diet works !! I was on a plateau since, wow, August 2009 sad.gif and even dieting and exercising hard (I run 10k races) wouldn't change anything ! But I found this "trick" 3 weeks ago and since I've been using it, I'm off 10lbs (in 3 weeks !!) and almost reaching a symbolic threshold I set for myself... so happy ! Maybe this week-end I'll be under that one and can then go on with losing the rest of it !

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Originally Posted by bahiabride2010 View Post
You can't keep that a secret! What's the trick?

I'm happy today because I had my bridal shower last night!
Lol. Well I'm on weight watchers but instead of eating what I want within my points, I'm doing the 80% alkalizing foods / 20% acidifying foods. It worked wonders !! I hope it will keep on going like that cause I still have 25lb to go wink.gif

I'm happy because the weather is so GREAT today !!!
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