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What's making you happy today?


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I'm happy today because I get to go to Target tonight while FSS is at soccer tryouts! I ADORE shopping at Target by myself! But I always spend too much $! (No one to say NO!)

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Originally Posted by Raeka View Post
It's pretty cool, I've gotten one dozen before but never two!!!!
What was the occasion? (If you don't mind telling!)
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Today I am VERY happy because we just found out last night that my FSS made his Premier Development League soccer team! He is only 12, and has been having some pretty intense tryouts this week. He went home from the last one crying cause he thought he didn't push himself hard enough and that he didn't make it. Then we got a call yesterday and he was jumping out of his skin with excitement! YAY for Trevor!

The only bad part is now we have to cart him to 3 practices a week sad.gif Oh well, it's worth it for him to be able to do something he loves!

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