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Just print out any threads pertaining to your chill-ness and show them to her wink.gif

god, i can't wait to hear about your wedding! LC is what we would have done if we could have legally had our own officient marry us in MX. sad.gif

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Becks - doesn't it suck to have to deal with step families! I have the same with my dad and his wife's kids.


My suckey thing today is that my sister is leading me on saying she has to talk to me about something and she won't say what it is. She said she wanted to go out to lunch and talk.


My suspicions are that it's about the wedding. Every time I bring up something wedding related, she makes NO Comments about anything.


Her attitude about going to the wedding is "God willing we'll be able to make it".


I wish she would tell me whatever it is she has to say and let me get on with it! She is totally stressing me out! If she can't come, then she can't come. Yeah I'll be disappointed, but I'll have to get over it.

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it's so busy today in work! and to top it off i had to get my car inspected and they're trying to tell me i need breaks however i dont think i do bc i have had no issues with them and they make NO noise. they wanted to charge me $230 for the entire thing and i cant do it right now. i had so many other $ obligations this past week and i cant afford to shit right now if i wanted too.


so i call joe and he freaks out telling me they are bs'ing me and to tell them not to do shit he's picking the car up. he will look at my breaks tomorrow afternoon and change them himself if i need them. so i call them, and they still charged me $80 for actually doing the inspection (fine but it SUX) and now i gotta bring car back after the breaks are fixed by joe so they can get the sticker of approval or whatever the f it is on my car. SOOO since my car is registered in pa (i live in jersey with joe now) i gotta go BACK and FORTH again for this f*ing car inspection. last night i had to go to pa, drop the car off, and use joe's truck today for work. today i was originally going to go pick it up after work and be done with it. but nowwwww i gotta go back tonight, pick it up, get the breaks looked at by joe, posibly get breaks for $20 at pep boys, and fri drop it back off to get the sticker. SO annoyed.

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I totally need this thread. My hubbie is graduating in april and he needs a certain number of new patients. So his cousin and friend came to stay with us so they can get treated by DH. The friend is fine but his cousin annoys me to no end. First I have to work and everynight this week they have been playing guitar hero till 4 AM!!! We have a one bdrm apartment. Have they no manners. And his laugh is so annoying and loud. Uh guitar hero is not funny? So then he sleeps all day and stays up all night. God go to bed. Second hes been here since saturday and he has yet to shower! EW GROSS!


He's a spoiled little brat. He has to talk to his mom everyday. He actually came to our wedding but when we got back to the states he became a complete a-hole. When we were in CO. for christmas he let our nephew fall asleep on him and we wanted to watch a movie. So I (the nanny childcare girl for 12 years) was like go put him in bed it will wake him up. He's like no its fine. We start the movie and hes like can you turn it down. I got so pissed I left the room. WTF! Listen to me I told you to put him in bed.


Oh and he eats like a cow. We've been making dinner and he takes all the food. He has to be first to get it. There was barely any left for the rest. And he eats mac and cheese EVERYDAY in his dorms at home. Sheesh.

He's so sarcastic and I am too but his is rude sarcastic. If he says one more time I"m abusive to my DH b/c I jokingly slap his arm I 'm gonna Bitch slap HIS face.

Ok vent over. Thanks. *Sigh*

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cali, you SHOULD bitch slap his face and tell him to get the F out unless he can live by the lady of the house's rules!!!! why is it when people come into your house, they think they can do whatever they want like its their own househuh.gif

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Mine is so not a big deal but here it is (kind of comical, actually cheesy.gif)


I am jacked up on caffeine!!!!!! AHHHH! I drank 2 cups of green tea today (very sensitive to caffeine). I've been starting to drink 1/day for health but today I had an extra one to "help me study" for a midterm tomorrow. Instead what am I doing?? Sitting here doing anything and everything except study, of course! I feel so bugged out. Probably the equivalent of drinking a red bull to someone else. Doh!


oops.gif blush2.gif

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WHOA! Back up... did your dad expect YOU to pay for his wife's kids triphuh.gif No way! First of all it isnt your responsiblity to pay for ANYONES trip. You are doing it out of the kindness of your heart and because you can. BUT REALLY? Since its traditional that Daddy pays for the wedding - I cant believe he could fix his lips to say that... he should be paying for your trip! OMG.

As far as me... I just ate like 6 freakin Easter mini snickers!!! I lost 2 lbs this week so what the heck am I doing>huh.gifhuh.gif?? I should be posting on the "Im a Fat Cow" Thread!!!

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OK I know I started the Happy thread because I was gonna try not to gripe, but I just can't help this one sad.gif

Doug and I play on a co-ed soccer team and last night we were playing in the championship game for first place! The team we were playing we actually beat (really beat!) the last time we played them, so we knew we had it in the bag.

Long story short we ended up losing to them 9-4, but the whole time we were playing them we all noticed that we didn't recognize a LOT of their players. After the game (they won't let you do it mid-game) we called to challenge their roster, and it turns out 5 of the players are not even on their season roster! But because the complex where we play doesn't have an official way to challenge a roster check, especially after 3 or 4 of the players have left the building, they wouldn't forfeit the game to us.

To make it worse, after we challenged their roster, a guy from another team came to talk to Doug (who is our captain) and told him that the exact same thing happened last week against his team, and the week before against the team his sister happens to play for. So 3 weeks in a row these jerks stacked their team with ringers, and they end up stealing the championship game. I am so perturbed. GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!


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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
OK I know I started the Happy thread because I was gonna try not to gripe, but I just can't help this one sad.gif
Doug and I play on a co-ed soccer team and last night we were playing in the championship game for first place! The team we were playing we actually beat (really beat!) the last time we played them, so we knew we had it in the bag.
Long story short we ended up losing to them 9-4, but the whole time we were playing them we all noticed that we didn't recognize a LOT of their players. After the game (they won't let you do it mid-game) we called to challenge their roster, and it turns out 5 of the players are not even on their season roster! But because the complex where we play doesn't have an official way to challenge a roster check, especially after 3 or 4 of the players have left the building, they wouldn't forfeit the game to us.
To make it worse, after we challenged their roster, a guy from another team came to talk to Doug (who is our captain) and told him that the exact same thing happened last week against his team, and the week before against the team his sister happens to play for. So 3 weeks in a row these jerks stacked their team with ringers, and they end up stealing the championship game. I am so perturbed. GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
That is so not fair!
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