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So, what's bugging you today?


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Wow... I'm sorry. Hope your dad gets it all straightened out...


As for me, I am so sick of school. I really need this semester to be over and get out of the classroom already. I know they buffer our last semester with easy classes because they know we have hit our "slide"... but honestly it makes it so much worse. There is no motivation to care or show up when it doesn't seem to help me professionally. I 'accidently' overslept this morning so I missed class today. Now I will have to rewatch the lectures I missed... but oh well. I was in need of a personal day. Thank goodness its spring break next week... and then only 5 more weeks until the semester is done and rotations begin.

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Becks - Some people just don't get it! I think we may have figured out that your step mom is a polygamist and also married to my father. She made a big deal about paying for their trips only to the wedding, but now she is paying for one of step sister's friends to go so she has a roomie. Why not my aunt who just lost her job instead of some stranger?


Anyway my daily wedding SNAFU is with my shower. FI's mom offered to host one for me (since none of FI's family is coming). Well, I'll be dammed if FBIL's FI isn't having her shower the same day! The are getting married 3 weeks before us and are "stealing our thunder" for sure with his fam. I just started laughing when I heard! We have nothing that is our own with his family! Oh and I don't think I'm invited to her shower either

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cant believe your dad even suggested this after all the BS about the fact that you didnt even want to invite her in the first place. she is NOT YOUR family and you are not obligated to invite them at all, so the fact that you did should be MORE than enough. how dare he ask you to pay for someone you didnt want to invite in the first place, and do not consider family. you are paying for your immediate family and their kids. your grown step sister is not your immediate family.



what's bugging me? everything. i feel like strangling everyone at the westin, they dont listen to me. they dont call when they say theyre going to call. they misunderstand everything and then try to take advantage of me because i'm not mexican. by the same token they still try to take advantage of FI's family and they ARE mexican. just so annoyed with the westin this week, i told my boss i felt like such a bridezilla yesterday even.


my sister is going to be 22 shortly, and is my MOH. she is totally self absorbed and doesnt care about my wedding or her duties. i have outlined things to her that i think are reasonable things she can handle. i sent her a big email this morning about specific things i needed her help with and asking for a timetable of when she would be home for spring break if shes coming, and when she will be home for the summer so she can help me with some DIY projects. she didnt respond to my email all day. then a half hour ago, she came online and wanted to know if i could help her (aka write it for her) do her cover letter for an internship application, at a PR agency where a friend of mine works which i hooked my sister up with to have an "in". i am busy at work, especially since i left for an hour and a half during lunch to go to a laser scar therapy consult, which turned into a laser scar therapy session and steroid injections in my scars. so im crabby and sore now. last place i want to be is at work. so shes asking me to help her and i said i was busy, and she asked if i can do it later. i told her i am guest speaking at a journalism school from 7-9:30 and should be home by 9:45. she said she would call me then. cant she figure out that after being at work since 9 am, the last thing i want to do is someone else's work without being paid for ithuh.gif she is just so ungreatful and rude. i offered to pay for her dress for my wedding, which is $200, and i even offered to help her our with her portion of the shower costs. yet she has done nothing for my shower that she said she wanted to help so badly with. WTF. i just feel like my whole relationship is all me giving and her taking and that it is never going to change no matter how hard i try to get her to be a responsible adult. woooooooooo that felt good to get off my chest.


thats not the only stuff bothering me but... thats good enough for my rant.

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That sucks. Sometimes people have no clue and your dad obviously is stuck on the clueless track. I would think he would understand.


Other than that- I'm in a rotten mood today. Stupid PMS. So many people I wish I could just smack around. Want me to smack anyone for you?

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my stepmom wants to wear a dress that looks like the BM dresses. i dont even want to respond to her. i dont give a fuck what she wears as long as its not the same as the BM dresses or the color white. i just feel like everyone is stressing me out!

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oh maura, i know exactly how you feel to a tee. my moh is my sister who is also 22. she has absolutely no clue. and she's in nursing school so has no time to help me with anything. i'm planning my shower and bachelorette party, i paid for her dress and shoes. it's tough not having the type of moh you can go to for help.


Originally Posted by mauraw View Post
cant believe your dad even suggested this after all the BS about the fact that you didnt even want to invite her in the first place. she is NOT YOUR family and you are not obligated to invite them at all, so the fact that you did should be MORE than enough. how dare he ask you to pay for someone you didnt want to invite in the first place, and do not consider family. you are paying for your immediate family and their kids. your grown step sister is not your immediate family.



what's bugging me? everything. i feel like strangling everyone at the westin, they dont listen to me. they dont call when they say theyre going to call. they misunderstand everything and then try to take advantage of me because i'm not mexican. by the same token they still try to take advantage of FI's family and they ARE mexican. just so annoyed with the westin this week, i told my boss i felt like such a bridezilla yesterday even.


my sister is going to be 22 shortly, and is my MOH. she is totally self absorbed and doesnt care about my wedding or her duties. i have outlined things to her that i think are reasonable things she can handle. i sent her a big email this morning about specific things i needed her help with and asking for a timetable of when she would be home for spring break if shes coming, and when she will be home for the summer so she can help me with some DIY projects. she didnt respond to my email all day. then a half hour ago, she came online and wanted to know if i could help her (aka write it for her) do her cover letter for an internship application, at a PR agency where a friend of mine works which i hooked my sister up with to have an "in". i am busy at work, especially since i left for an hour and a half during lunch to go to a laser scar therapy consult, which turned into a laser scar therapy session and steroid injections in my scars. so im crabby and sore now. last place i want to be is at work. so shes asking me to help her and i said i was busy, and she asked if i can do it later. i told her i am guest speaking at a journalism school from 7-9:30 and should be home by 9:45. she said she would call me then. cant she figure out that after being at work since 9 am, the last thing i want to do is someone else's work without being paid for ithuh.gif she is just so ungreatful and rude. i offered to pay for her dress for my wedding, which is $200, and i even offered to help her our with her portion of the shower costs. yet she has done nothing for my shower that she said she wanted to help so badly with. WTF. i just feel like my whole relationship is all me giving and her taking and that it is never going to change no matter how hard i try to get her to be a responsible adult. woooooooooo that felt good to get off my chest.


thats not the only stuff bothering me but... thats good enough for my rant.

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Originally Posted by katrina View Post
oh maura, i know exactly how you feel to a tee. my moh is my sister who is also 22. she has absolutely no clue. and she's in nursing school so has no time to help me with anything. i'm planning my shower and bachelorette party, i paid for her dress and shoes. it's tough not having the type of moh you can go to for help.
i lean on my other BMs (2 best friends from college) for support but i feel like all i do is talk them to death about wedding. and theyre both on opposite ends of the country so its not like they can help me with a lot of stuff. my one friend on the east coast was telling me this morning she wished she could help do all my DIY stuff, but its like..... goooooooooood i just want my sister to stop being such a brat and do stuff i ask her to. but now i sound like a bridezilla fryingpan.gif if you ever wanna talk about having a 22 yr old MOH, hit me up girl!
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