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ok that's it.....

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sorry ladies, i have decided that i can no longer look at threads about new online stores or cute and super cheap OOT favors. my BM said all i talk about are bags and favors, and you know what, i do. i was/am obssesed. and admitting it is the first step. i think i have enough things already so i just have to STOP.


so, i thank you all in advance for all the cute and great/awesome ideas you are all going to post, but i have to respectfully decline.


thank you and so will my so called "budget"


ps- wish me luck!!



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Hi Janet!


Welcome to FA....Favors Anonymous! You are correct...admitting you have a problem is the first step! Welcome!!! hahahaha


I'm in so much trouble, I still have a year to go and this site has become such a passion (ok ok, obsession!) for me...the gals at work each night ask what's new and to show them everything! hahahahaha


Be strong!!! (Cuz I know I can't right now!)

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