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Does anyone else need a break??


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Originally Posted by carly View Post
I would say that the 1st 9 months or so of us being engagement we fought like crazy. I even posted a thread similar to this one. I got lots of repsonses and some great PM's with advice and support. Bascially it all came down to the fact that you DO love him. I think some time apart, some personal time, is what you need. I love me some personal time, which Matt has a hard time understanding, but he is better about it now.
That's just it. He has NO CLUE about me having personal time. I called him earlier and told him that I needed to go to the store after work to pay my credit card because I know I sent it out and forgot to put in a check for the bill oops.gif

This would have given me about 1 hour to be by myself. His response, "Well, are you going to come by the house and pick up the baby so I can get some sleep?" I could have choked him!fryingpan.gif

I am working on getting HIM out of the house on Friday night. I'm hoping he stays with his friend and they can go golf on Saturday morning. (His friend lives an hour away so it's better if he just stays there). Then I would have ALL DAY SATURDAY to myself!

His buddy is working on it so we'll see what happens. We did talk for a long time on the phone about one of the reasons he is getting on my nerves (the fact that he badmouths my sister). I think we got that figured out. Now if I can only get some alone time without him making me feel guilty I'll be fine.
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Do you need BDW to start giving him some orders? "Celina needs this Saturday to herself. In fact, Celina needs 1 Saturday per MONTH to herself!"


Ok, I realzie that's probably a lot to ask since you do have two children, but a few hours to yourself isn't unreasonable.

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I don't know why it's so hard for guys to understand us needing personal time. I love when derek goes out with his friends and I can stay home and relax, watch a chick flick, drink some wine. I even love cleaning and doing housework when he's gone, I feel like i get so much accomplished. If I spend too much time with him, he gets on my nerves. I think that's pretty normal. but it does sound like you need a night or weekend to yourself Celina and I'm sure you deserve it.

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
Do you need BDW to start giving him some orders? "Celina needs this Saturday to herself. In fact, Celina needs 1 Saturday per MONTH to herself!"

Ok, I realzie that's probably a lot to ask since you do have two children, but a few hours to yourself isn't unreasonable.
Thanks for the laugh! You know...after work I came home and played outside with my little guy. The sun did wonders for my mood! I killed the bee that flew into the house and freaked my daughter out (earned my supermom points for the day)!

I'm going to get in the hot tub in a minute (after a couple of hands of bingo on the arcade) and let my worries go down the drain! Thanks for your help and encouragement today everyone! You guys are such a big help!
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Ben thinks I am being mean when i tell him I am glad he is going out. Don't get be wrong - he encourages me to do stuff with the girls but I don't think he realizes how much I secretly love it! In fact - I just planned a trip to vegas with my best friend of 25 years - YAHOO!

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