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ROYAL PLAYA DEL CARMEN BRIDES: were kids allowed for the day? ...and other questions

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Best of luck to you, your fiance and guests! Thanks for keeping us posted. I'll hopefully be there on Wednesday!


You have a great outlook on this. There's no way to predict the future and when you're given lemons, make lemonade! You can only control so much. I just try to take a deep breath and keep laughing. It is what is is, right? Gosh I hate that saying...but it's so true!

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Here is an article from CNN:



Has swine flu story been overblown?

Posted: 04:00 PM ET

FROM CNNâ€s Jack Cafferty:


Unless youâ€ve been hiding under a rock, you have been bombarded with news coverage of the swine flu for several days now. And when the World Health Organization raised its pandemic alert to the second highest level — of 5 — yesterday, the media couldnâ€t get enough of it. After all, this stuff sells newspapers and gets ratings. But when you take a look at the numbers, it seems like the story might be overblown…


The WHO has confirmed 257 cases of swine flu worldwide. 97 cases in Mexico, with seven deaths. Mexican officials have reported much higher numbers — 2,500 cases and more than 150 deaths — but those numbers havenâ€t been confirmed. In the U.S., the WHO says there are 109 confirmed cases with 1 death. Out of a population of more than 300 million people, that hardly seems to be cause for alarm.


And scientists who are studying the virus say this strain of influenza doesnâ€t look as deadly as strains that have caused previous pandemics. In fact, some suggest that the current form of the swine flu virus may not even do as much damage as the regular flu.


More than 13,000 people in the U.S. have died of complications from seasonal flu since January; and itâ€s expected to continue killing hundreds of people a week. In total, about 36,000 people a year die from the flu in this country; and worldwide, the annual death toll is somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000.


One scientist tells the Los Angeles Times that just because the swine flu is being identified in more countries doesnâ€t mean itâ€s spreading especially quickly, saying: “You donâ€t ever find anything that you donâ€t look for.â€


Hereâ€s my question to you: Has the swine flu story been overblown?


Interested to know which ones made it on air?



Doug from Dallas writes:

Wow, thatâ€s an understatement! This is nothing more than a new strain of the flu that comes every year. It isnâ€t any more contagious than regular flu. We donâ€t hear anything about the 36,000 people who die every year from the “normal†flu so whatâ€s the big deal? If school systems shut down every time a kid got sick (ie. Ft. Worth), theyâ€d never be open.


Danny writes:

Are you kidding me?! Hell yes, it is being overblown. This has to be the rhetorical question of the century.


Richard from Orrtanna, Pennsylvania writes:

Hi Jack. As it stands now, yes. But, if it were to become a killer virus, then the answer is no. You may be asking this question too early; you may have to ask it again next winter.


Carrie from Seattle writes:

Itâ€s been completely overblown. Iâ€m ready for it to stop, now. How about everyone learn to properly wash their hands, cover their mouths when they cough, etc. and we can tackle all the different flu bugs at once without mass hysteria. Itâ€s ridiculous.


Terence from Piscataway, New Jersey writes:

Jack, Itâ€s not overblown at all. When a member of our family catches this disease, we will all know what to do to get well and not spread it around. This is what makes our country so great. We are well-informed about everything through the media and you, Jack.


Courtney from Connecticut writes:

Overblown or not, Iâ€m tired of hearing about it. I was initially concerned (my brother is getting married in Mexico in July!) and then frustrated. Now I just want everyone, especially the hypochondriac in my office, to take a step back for five minutes and chill. The sky is not falling, folks!

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Hello my wonderful girls (and boy(s)?)


I need you to all know that I appreciate any ounce of concern you have afforded me! I love you for thinking of us during this crazy time.


The last few days have been...crazy. I've tried to remember throughout it all that I have what is most important...I still get the guy! I've also been mourning the loss of this "THING" that I have been planning and building up in my head for the last 14 months...its a tough thing to let go of.


We are going to be legally married May 16th, at our AHR. It will be a surprise to most of the friends and family attending.


Ken, myself, my MOH and her fiance were able to secure a flight and hotel in the Dominican (P.C.) and leave this weekend for 7 days of sun, and relaxation. No beach wedding, but...there will plenty of Mexico OOT bags and goodies to go around between the four of us. Everyone else cancelled their trips completely and will not come with us.


Trying to stay positive...and...remember the important things aren't necessarilyare all here...health, love, friends and family. It can't get better than that...




I'll be in touch soon.

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Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ View Post
Shannon, I hope you have the trip of a lifetime, take lots of pictures we still want to see them! You are a stronger woman than I, I truly admire you.
AWW! Thank you, and I promise to shower you with pictures...upon my return.

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Hey Shay


I got teared up and read this with my fiance as I am still very sad for you and understand the feeling of losing this "thing" I am going to be able to recreate it to a fairly good degree but now instead in Florida. We will actually be gainging 10-15 people due to the change of location.


You and I are now officially "twin" dates as the royal girls said. I had to move my date from the 15th to the 16th to get the hotel and now you have moved yours from the 7th to the 16th at your AHR.


I will be thinking of you on my day at some point along with all the other girls out there who have had to make these sudden, drastic and very challenging decisions this past week. You will also be getting married on the same day and all those other friends and family will now get to experience it with you in person, I am sure that will make it soo incredibly special. I am trying to find the positive and for me I think I have. Gabe's dad is now able to legally marry us since he is a notary in Florida and we will have some additions at the wedding along with a trip to Hawaii afterwards. Its not easy to let the other wedding go but doing my best to move forward, I really really hope you all can do the same. The timing was worst for those who were to be getting married the first week of May because there was no time to make many changes so and alleviate peoples fears so you had to just go with it and hope for the best or cancel and reschedule or maybe forget it all together. I hope that all of our outcomes become positive as they will now be part of our future....

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We are twin dates!!! Ahhh...that is special. I will certainly be thinking of you on that day as well....all of you...thinking even though we exist to each in cyberspace...you are the very realist of friends...


Isn't it crazy though...the emotions you have gone through over the last week. At least in our case, the decision was made for us...but we were facing having to make it ourseleves, and though determined to go, we knew with the panic and concern everyone was feeling, it just wasn't fair to continue to ask them all to sacrifice anything for this trip. Steph, making that decision...well, it sounds like everything is going to be amazing and is absolutely for the best. And hello...Hawaii!!! NICE!




I'll definitely be checking in while in the DR, and I'll try to post some pics along the way. Once I'm back in Canada and at home with the family....I'll make sure you all get a little taste of the Dominican as well!


We are looking into hiring a new photographer for the AHR, and we might do a beach session in DR! Something we weren't planning before! So...it could be fun.


I can't remember if I let any of you know, but..we were able to get the full amount of our final payment to our Photographers refunded, and we got it yesterday. The Royal is keeping our $300US deposit, but Lili said they would put it towards a future stay at the hotel, and I am going to let her know today that we are going to try to visit around Christmastime! (On a side note, this is the 2nd attempt at visiting Cancun area - our first trip was to be to the Xcaret...a few years back right before that huge Hurricane ripped through the area)! If anyone is planning on going to Mexico around Christmas from this thread...let me know...as there may be some natural disaster...as they seem to follow our trips!




Anyways girls...


Much love to you all, and I'll be in touch. If there is anything I can offer while you finish planning your weddings at the Royal, just say the word! I have lots of shit!

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Shay, what an amazing attitude you have!!!! I'd be in a ball of tears right now, but as you said, you still get your man and that's the whole point right?? Best of luck to you and I hope and pray that everything works out for you!! Don't forget pics!!!!


I am just in the beginning of my planning for next May. Are you going to try to sell some stuff to try to recoup some of your money?? I'd be happy to see what you have to buy from you rather than some vendor first!

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Originally Posted by ltl_leah View Post
Hello everyone. I still plan on leaving for Mexico tomorrow morning as planned. Out of the 12 of us that were going, only 2 aren't able to go due to the outbreak. My FH parents both suffer from health problems and the doctor strongly recommended they not go. Luckily, they took out the insurance and will get a refund. It is sad that they can't be there to see us get married.

I had a better day yesterday. Still on the fence as to how I feel today.

I just got a call from work saying that I can't come back to work for 7 days from when I get back. I'm not entirely mad because I work for the federal govt. and I'm sure it's coming down from DC. I am a bit irritated from it, though. I get to take sick leave, so that's good. Well, I guess I get an extended vacation out of all of this!

I reflect on if I should have just kept our original date of Sept. 10, 2009 for our wedding and wonder if things could have been better that way. Then I think, if our wedding was in Sept., we probably have our wedding ruined by a tropical storm or hurricane! I guess I can't win either way. There's no sense in thinking about all the "what ifs".

I'm so sorry to hear about all the brides who have cancelled their weddings. My heart goes out to all of you.

I was not going to bring my laptop to the resort, but since I know many of you would like to hear what's going on while I'm there, I will bring it along.

Good luck to everyone and wish me luck while we're there!
Hey Leah! Can't wait for an update. I hope everything is going great for y'all!
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