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ROYAL PLAYA DEL CARMEN BRIDES: were kids allowed for the day? ...and other questions

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Oh my gosh Shay and Michelle I don't know what to say to you. I am also likely in the same boat as far as the hotel goes but my TA is still trying to sort out what it is that they are willing to do for people. It seems that they haven't actually stated anything at this time, did you guys get some sort of confirmation that they will only give a 6 month voucher/credit for the trip? The only consoling thing that I can say to you is that you have your beautiful AHR that you can focus on and if you can rearrange the 10 peoples trips then you could try and look at it like a honeymoon. I know that you probably want to shoot or punch me for saying that because I want to hit me for even typing it. I can't even get into all the little things that are happening on my end and just how annoyed, pissed off and virtually devastated I am right now. We are looking into a back up and I am sick about it, are you kidding me do I want to get get married in Florida hell no!! besides that we still don't know what will happen to everyones money at this time and since we are still 2 weeks we may not HAVE to change it but we have so much pressure to change it that its out of my control. My fiance is being super supportive but he is definitely not attached to this the same way that I am since I am the one planning it all and speaking with all of you. I feel the best oddly enough (or maybe not so much) when I am on here reading what is going on with everyone else because at least I know that you all understand what I am going through. I feel like women worldwide are bonding over this situation. I have no plans or answers and I think that I have officially hit the angry stage where I am super negative and hating every supportive suggestion thrown my way.


Stephanie, to think just this past week you were jealous of all of us May and June brides because our day was already nearing our departure and look what happened. Enjoy the planning and feel lucky that yours is so far off. I told my friend today that I ever hear her say "its just my luck" that i will knock her out because thats MY line....


I just don't even know what to hope for anymore because the truth is that if the hotel isn't forced to cancel our weddings they may hold our money hostage and if thats the case we may have no option other than re-booking!


Keep us all informed on how this plays out and know we are all here for each other.

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I wanted to send out my love and prayers to everyone here, this is beyond devastating. I am a SUPER internet search person, I search for hours until I find what I want, so if anyone wants some help finding an additional destination, flights, anything at all, just send me some info and I'll start helping in the search!!!


Good luck ladies!!!

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I have emailed the hotel to see what my options are...they have not responded, but I'm sure they are SWAMPED with calls/emails right now.

The part that really sucks is my mom can't go in june and my FI did NOT want a summer wedding...so he is pretty upset. I'm not sure I can pull off planning another destination wedding in 3 weeks or if I can even find an air transat location that is the same price that can do a wedding. Just insane

"flush" oh..is that the sound of my dream wedding going down the toilet? Awesome!

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I wish I new what to say to make you feel better....but I'm sure nothing can make you feel better at this point. I know you all worked so hard to plan your dream weddings, I feel just terrible for all of you. I'm praying for the airlines to open flights back up in hopes that you can all still make your trips as planned.


If there is anything I can do to help PM me.

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With all of the negative stuff going on I just wanted to post a tiny tidbit of positive...my FMIL who has been the source of ALL my wedding problems thus far just called to tell us that whatever we chose to do..they support us...just a little silver lining...I know it may not last but I am willing to take what I can get.

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Oh Ladies I am sooooo sorry! We were in vacation in Victoria, BC last week and I was completely oblivious to the news until a couple of days ago. All I could think about when I heard was what was happening to the couples planning their weddings for this month. Argh!!


It really drives me crazy how everything in the news gets so exaggerated, but what became even more shocking to hear was how all these airline companies are cancelling their flights. I also heard Mexicana was doing the same thing. I can only begin to imagine how frustrated you ladies are. When I called my TA yesterday, he was swamped with calls and re-booking for couples planning their weddings in MX. Not the best option, but at least there may be the option to re-book sad.gif I really do not know what to say, but I am so sorry!!! Please continue to vent here, as I know that is one way I get out a lot of my frustration. If you ladies need anything we are all here for you!

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Wow I really feel for you ladies. As a guy I rarely share my emotions to anyone outside my fiancee but I have to say I am TRULY TRULY sad and devastated for you all. There is nothing anyone can say or do that will make you feel better about this tragic situation. I was already pissed off with the drug situation giving Mexico a bad name and now this epidemic has to come along.


They seem to be taking this virus way more serious than SARS with all these cancellations. I know many friends in the health industry and they are saying this is no joke so hard to say if media is really exaggerating or not. Initially I thought SARS was way overblown with people walking around Toronto with masks, but my fiancee knew someone close to her family who died from it too so who am I to say it was exaggerated.


Taking this experience in I am now seriously considering getting wedding insurance. I already put about $1000 down payment for the church, the reception, photographer/videographer and other things. Do any of the Canadians here recommend any companies in Canada that offer Destination Wedding Insurance? I have seen some companies but they only offer insurance if the wedding is in Canada.


I'll keep praying and hoping for you ladies!!!!

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Originally Posted by Shay2679 View Post
Air Canada Vacations announced the cancellation of all flights to Cancun, Puerto Vallarta and Cozumel tonight.

We will NOT be having our wedding in that freakin gazebo, on that god damn beach, in Mexico.

If I weren't so tired from all the crying...I'd ... punch something!

I don't know what to do.

This is Shannon's fiance Chris. We made it down here, we left Monday when everything was just starting to get heavy. We had most of out wedding party cancel including three of my best friends and Shan's maid of honor is on the fence. My parents and Shan's parents are in the air as we speak.

I just did a quick expedia search and it seems like other flights are flying from Canada. It really isn't fair if they don't refund you and allow you to book with somone else, since they are still flying. I am not sure how consumer friendly the laws are in Canada, but I would demand the money back or demand that they put you on another flight since it is not a systme wide shutdown. You could also drive to like Vermont or another US airport. Just my two sense, sorry if you are frustrated, and I am sure you are hearing tons of advice.

To the person that said she is sick of the "make the best of it coments", we totally agree. However when you are down here you realize they are kind of right. We are still having a good time. We just take our hand sanitizer everywhere, and Shan also brought wipes to wipe everything down.

i am looking out the balcony and they are setting up for a wedding on the beach right now. So, things are still going on down here as normal.

We also got Tamiflu prescriptions before we left just in case. It can also be taken as a preventive measure for those at high risk. We were thinking about taking it just in case but decided we will only take if we get symptoms. I read that Kids under 1 can't take it

All that being said, there is no sign of an outbreak down here at all. When we arrived on Monday, the only people that had masks were the customs agents, now the cooks and food service people (not waiters) have the maks as a precaution. Our wedding coordinator said that they had a meeting of the hotel and restaurant association down here, and they decided to wear the masks as precaution, to make the guests feel better. She also said there were no cases of the flu down here. If you didn't hear about it before you got here, you would just think people are wearing masks for food safety.

The beaches/pools/streets seem full. I am sure there are less people than normal, but we like it a little quieter, and shan found a beach chair easier :).

Other then that good luck to everyone, and if we can help let us know. If anyone wants us to take any pictures for reference, let us know. I know Shan has learned a lot from you guys, and I know if she could help any way she would. Ok, bye for now.
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Shannon and Chris, thank you for the update, it was so sweet of you to check in with us. I'm so sorry that some of your guests have cancelled. I hope Shannon is doing ok with that (we brides tend to get pretty emotional wink.gif ). If there is anything you need from us please let us know!

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