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How long did you date before enagaged?

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Wow I'm so glad that I seem to fit in with a lot of the time frames here!! We got engaged at 7 years and 8 months and we are getting married right before our 9 year anniversary! We got a lot of "finally" and "about time" when we got engaged which kinda sucked, but it was perfect timing for us!

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Ha...I'm glad I'm not the only one that dated for a long time before getting engaged. We dated for 5 yrs before he asked. I had longed for it for years but it wasn't happening. I had given up on the thought of it...I even planned on ending it for good immediately after our vacation. But then, he did the unthinkable, he proposed while we were vacationing in Aruba! It took me COMPLETELY by surprise but afterwards I reflected and realized all the signs were there, it was so obvious but I didn't see it b/c I was so jaded about the whole thing. We did get alot of "FINALLY" and "about time" which was annoying, I wish everyone could've just said "congrats" n left it at that.

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We dated for over 12 years before getting engaged and it will be just over 13 years when we get married.  People would ask us all the time when we were going to get married (heck my father even made a joke about it during his speech when my older brother got married 2 summers ago) but my answer (jokingly) was usually that i wanted to keep my options open or i wasn't really sure yet - I found that shut people up pretty quickly ;) 

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We were just a couple months short of 5 years of dating when he proposed. Everyone that knew us was like, "FINALLY!" But finances has to be in order first before he could get the ring and I understood that. We'll have been dating 6.5 years by the time we get married. We're also having a long engagement due to (surprise) finances. :) But the big day is less than a year away now!!

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