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How long did you date before enagaged?

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I was joking with my FI about how long it took him to ask and said "It only took 5 years, 2 months, *blank* days....blah blah blah." He laughed and said "Knowing you, you really calculated that." So I did smile159.gif, I found a date duration calculator online and it was 5 years, 2 months, 30 days, 4 hours and 45 minutes from our first date till he proposed. He proposed in June 2008 and wanted to plan the wedding for October 2008. I told him he waited this long to propose that he could last a little longer. So we are getting married in May 2009, after over 6 years together.

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Originally Posted by Chiquita View Post
We got engaged on our 3 year anniversary.. by the time we get married we'll have been together 4 1/2 years :)
I love your babies, they are precious! one of mine is laying on my arm so i can't type very well. (sorry, totally off subject)

back on subject: by the time we get married next April we will have been dating for 7.5 years.
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