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How long did you date before enagaged?

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We met July 27th 2007 and were engaged on March 1, 2008. I guess that's about 7 months? :)

I moved in after 2.5 months.

We'll be married after knowing eachother for a little under a year and a half.


It's weird how quickly it can all happen.


I was engaged before and it was 5 years into the relationship. The engagement lasted just less than a year.


This time 'round, I told FI that when I next get engaged, I mean business! :)muscle.gif

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We'll have been together for 4 years when we get married. Because of the very expensive place where we were both looking for an apartment we decided to move in together "to share expenses" two weeks after meeting. Shhh....don't tell my mom!

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