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How long did you date before enagaged?

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Originally Posted by FutureMrs.L View Post
I wont tell Jon how long you guys have all been together before you got the ring........We have been together 1year and 4 months (don't have it yet, but very soon)
Im with you on this one...Me and JR have been together for a 1yr and 5 months..the proposals coming very soon..Im waiting very patiently..LOL
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Originally Posted by Dbld78 View Post
I beat you all....10 years!

It will almost be 11 by the time we're married. We've been together since freshman year of college!
You sound like you got us beat by a few months!-- It was 10 years in Sept-- and we are getting married in May-- so a little over 10 1/2 when we'll be married! --- we did break up twice- 6-7 months each time-- so I'm not sure if that factors in -hehe...
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Engaged shortly before our "official" one year anniversary but a little over a year since we met. Not exactly being spring chickens and the both of us wanting to have little chickletts in the near future probably sped up the getting to know you timeline (I'm 33, he's 36).


We moved in together about a week before the engagement even though I said I'd never live with someone before the commitment was made (haven't lived with a b/f in over 10 years), I think he popped the question as his big step since I was willing to take mine! :)

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