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I let go of my wedding party...

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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
What is it with groomsmen? Some of ours booked like a month or less before the wedding even though we gave them 8 months and a payment plan option....I do not miss that element of the planning. Good luck everyone :)
The gm have a problem with the airfare, during the phone call I told him we purchased our airfare last week, he was shocked that we spent on $1200 on airfare. He thought I was going to wgt a month before the wedding. I told him if no one shows up to the wedding fi and I will be there no matter what. Mental , Physical and Emotional we have let them go. We refuse to discuss the wedding with them. FI have stop taking gm phone calls , because all he talk about is how much the airfare is. About a week ago , I emailed everyone the guest and wedding party, to let them know we are aware the airfare is $$ and we understand if they can not attend but let us know yes I will or no.
Instead of saying yes or no, these FOLKS say smart a@@ things.
I just want to email everyone on the guest list and ask WTF, Who's Wedding Is This.
Ladies thank you so much for expressing your concern and thoughts.
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Originally Posted by kendra View Post
The gm have a problem with the airfare, during the phone call I told him we purchased our airfare last week, he was shocked that we spent on $1200 on airfare. He thought I was going to wgt a month before the wedding. I told him if no one shows up to the wedding fi and I will be there no matter what. Mental , Physical and Emotional we have let them go. We refuse to discuss the wedding with them. FI have stop taking gm phone calls , because all he talk about is how much the airfare is. About a week ago , I emailed everyone the guest and wedding party, to let them know we are aware the airfare is $$ and we understand if they can not attend but let us know yes I will or no.
Instead of saying yes or no, these FOLKS say smart a@@ things.
I just want to email everyone on the guest list and ask WTF, Who's Wedding Is This.
Ladies thank you so much for expressing your concern and thoughts.
Seriously. Im Sorry your going though all this. I cant understand why they would do that escpecially if they have known for a while. I mean yes destination weddings are expensive but they should have een up front with you from the beginning if they werent able to make it, not if just puts the two of you in an uncomfortable posiition. Sorry :o(
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Whomever can I want to go will be there. I was surprised at some of the guests at our wedding. The ones that I thought would be there for sure, some of them are not coming and the ones that I thought weren't coming, some of them are coming. The bottom line is either they will or not you'll still have a beautiful wedding and wonderful memories.

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I completly understand where your coming from. I gave my girls 6 months to buy there tickets. they just now bought it and what do you know the price went up like 150 due to gas i am guessing. I am so sorry that you had to let them go but in the long run you willl be happy not having to deal with trying to fine inexpensive dresses and what not! Cheer up hunny!

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thats ashame that you even have to deal with this, but i give you credit for you for standing your ground. and they should feel like a-holes now. i can see people not being able to afford it, ok fine, but to make comments and huff and puff b/c you were asked to be a part of someones special day makes me mad. i think it will be alot smoother now that you dont have to worry about others and you can focus on whats important. good luck, and dont sweat the small stuff ;o)

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That's a shame, but I hope it releives some stress for you! We have 2 months to go and half the gm's haven't booked yet. Matt thinks they won't. Nice. I would love to not have to deal with that. Luckily my girls are great (since it is my sis, his sis and my good friend Jacqueline!) If I had the bigger party that we planned on (4 additional girls who are honorary bridesmaids), we'd probably have mucho drama.


I really hope this releases some weight off of your shoulders, cuz planning a wedding is really stressful business!

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kendra, you and your FI should not have to worry about this sort of thing. Threre is no written law saying you have to have a bridal party. Each and every one of the people you asked to participate has the option of declining as well. Hopefully they can still make it and share your day, but in the end the only people you need there are you and your FI :)
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Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be View Post
When it comes time for us to make these decisions, I think we may try to wait to see who books so no one feels obligated. Even though I'm sure they know who they are!
I planned to do it this way at first. But now I'm going with no BMs. Mostly because we are so unsure what guys are coming. And several people we are really close to can't come because of newborns or pregnancy. I'm just calling all my girls "honorary BMs" and making them a silly photoalbum with their heads superimposed as my BMs.

Anyway, I think the approach you are going with will save you some stress. The only thing is people wait until so late to book. So you might need to go with a BM dress you can buy fast, not something that has to be ordered. I'm 3 months away & only 2 of my would be bridesmaids have booked & none of the guys have. It's surprising to me that people wait so long. I like to book my stuff early. I book my christmas flight to texas 3 months in advance.
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