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NY Governor in some trouble


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There must be something in the water.. first McGreevey with the being gay scandal and now Spitzer with this prostitution scandal. I like how they gave him a nickname already - Client #9

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The NY Post's front page read "HO NO!"


I was dying on the floor laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. I wish you could have heard NYers on their way to the morning commute today. NYers are so sarcastic so some people were like "You know what really bothers me about all this is that he didn't pay taxes on his transactions." LOL. Or some said this "You know how do we know if those hookers were legal? If they were illegal they could have been taking jobs from hardworking union prostitutes."


Literally a riot this morning, I could not stop laughing.


His poor wife. I would have told him to call his prostitute to stand by his side. No way would I have been standing next to him. I would have packed my bags and my kids and taken a private jet to some remote island where no reports can bother me. Why should she have to suffer too?

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why does DC always have to be part of the scandal, it just goes to show that some politicians have too much time on their hands.

My students and I spoke about this situation during our current events time and most felt he should resign except for one

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He should resign only b/c he was such a hardass on other people. He is so self righteous and holier than thou that its about time he take some responsiblity and step down. Uggh. I really don't think he is going to resign though. Although they say that the Republicans will move to impeach if he doesn't.

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I'm not really one to comment much on politics...but I have to agree w/ what Glenda said...that if I was that dude's wife, he would have been on his OWN up there! No f'ing way am I standing up there with you being humiliated like that! You didn't need me around when you were out paying for sex, you don't need me around when people are calling you out on it! omg...that always pisses me off SOOOoo bad when the wives just stand up there acting all "supportive". Granted they have a choice but damn. I could NOT do that!

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Glenda overall the kids all seemed to think it was really funny that he was so harsh on people just like him, they also agreed that his wife looked silly standing by her man.

Most felt that he would be too preoccupied with his legal troubles and could not effectively govern the state and that's why he should resign

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Christine although he hired lawyers I think it was moreso to see if he can stay in office. I don't think he'll get arrested for the whole prostitute thing. John's don't normally get arrested. It's usually the prostitutes and the management that they are looking to get. He should resign and worry about mending his family back together. Those poor little girls. What kind of an example is he setting for them?


As much as we say that the wives have a choice I really don't think that they do. I think they are born into these powerful families and stand to lose a lot if they don't show a unified front. She might have also done it for her children, which is understandable. But I still don't think I could have done it.

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The buzz I have heard up here is that he is most likely going to resign within the next 2 days.


Tedisco has already started to draft impeachment documents in the off chance that he does not throw in the towel.


I really hope he resigns. I cannot stand hypocrisy like that. Just like all the other piece of shit politicians who do drugs, screw around with hookers, drive drunk and all that crap, all while they make laws that they don't even follow. Scumbags.

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