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NY Governor in some trouble


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It seems that our illustrious governor (Elliot Spitzer) has been linked to a high price prostitution ring in DC. He has admitted some involvement and there are speculations out there that he may be resigning today.


What a dirt bag. He has a wife and kids and as attorney general was involved in busting prostitution rings in NY and making some very strong statements about prostitution. Nothing like being a two faced asshole to further your career.


Gov. Spitzer apologizes to family, public - CNN.com

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We were literally just talking about this in my office. I don't like him. He was my keynote speaker at my law school graduation. He is so arrogant. I can't tell you how many people he has falsely indicted and ruined their reputations and business. I hope its true and he gets a taste of his own medicine.

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I could not believe that when it came on today. I work on a trading floor so the buzz when news comes out is really something. I remember he was heavily prosecuting prostitution rings when he was attorney general. Turns outhe was probably getting freebies and kickbacks the whole time. Is it any wonder people are so turned of by politics?


And what kind of example is that for your three daughters? His poor wife. Why must the woman always be strong and "stad by her man?" UGH!!!

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Originally Posted by nikkianddean View Post
And what kind of example is that for your three daughters? His poor wife. Why must the woman always be strong and "stad by her man?" UGH!!!
I know! That's a dealbreaker for me, if ever I found out DH has been having sex with hookers - no matter how fancy they are - I would be out!! There is no getback from that smile116.gif
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