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Not that funny but I'm laughing about it....


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so I'm not sure if you all remember the thread where I mentioned I had a bad day with my long term sub position.....Here's the thread....http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t15785-2


well it turns out I haven't seen these classes for a good 3 weeks....Well today is my first day back at the Jr. high and I'm subbing for another math teach today and tomorrow.....Well I'm walking on campus and I get loads of surprise looks coming my way from students that were in my algebra class and geometry class. Had had a few come up to me asking why I left and that I should come back. They said that their grades were going down and that they missed me. I felt bad because before I left the Algebra classes where actually raising their grades while I was there, I was so proud of them.

I did have a few geometry students come up to me and ask if I was coming back too, that the new sub is slow and not fun. That they missed me.


I just looked at these students and said,"sorry something came up, that's why I had to leave". What I really want to say is, "Well if you go ask a certain bratty student in the Geometry class period 1 and talk to her b***y mother than you will know why I left."

I'm not subbing for that class anymore because of this one student and her mother.....


I feel bad but I'm laughing because they miss me, HAH, THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR KICKING ME TO THE CURB WHEN IT WASN'T DESERVED, I HOPE THEY SUFFER!!!!!


Sorry had to vent

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Drea I'm glad they missed you. But it sucks that one person ruins it for everyone. Did you ever get a recommendation from the principal? I would ask him for one now to keep in your files, in case he leaves and you don't have any contact info for me. Its better to have it now just in case.

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Drea I'm glad they missed you. But it sucks that one person ruins it for everyone. Did you ever get a recommendation from the principal? I would ask him for one now to keep in your files, in case he leaves and you don't have any contact info for me. Its better to have it now just in case.
hmmmm, well he kind of wrote one but I'm not sure, this is what he wrote:

Thank you for your work. I am sorry that this assignment did not work out . . . I will check back in with the sub to see how things went today. You are definitely welcome here at C.T. A couple of your colleagues in the math department stopped by to speak with me—checking on your well-being and just how this transacted.

Hope to see you soon, subbing here at C.T.

All the best,

maybe I need a better letter from him
My friends say I should take legal action.....I don't think so, don't want to bother.
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I don't think it would hurt to request that he write a formal letter of recommendation. I'm not sure if it matters but my cousin is a sub for LAUSD and she gets her jobs from word-of-mouth by teachers who request her. Having a letter on your file won't hurt, or at least I would talk to him again and make sure he has your contact info, because he may know someone at another school who needs a math sub and think of you :)

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Originally Posted by LadyP View Post
Let the majority speak. tell those kids to have their parents call and state just what they said. My child's grades were improving with MRS W and now that she is gone my child isnt learning anything.
This is what my mother told me to do, but how can I get a bunch of kids that I most likely won't bump into again till the end of the month to give me talk to their parents....

I'm at the school again today and it seems that the sub that replaced me has been absent for two days (yesterday and today),.....I wonder how much learning they have gotten.....When I subbed for them I was never absent.

Should I mention what the kids told me to the principal?
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Drea - I just read your situation for the first time (don't know how I miss some of these threads sometimes!), and that really sucks! I am glad that there is some satisfaction knowing that they do miss you though, cuz they are lucky to have you as a teacher!


I do think you should request a formal recommendation though from the principal...

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