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Venting Bm & Dress

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Ladies, I feel the same way, I gave up today. I really don't care what that wear. I thought I was been nice when I told them, to get any dress that they like in the color I picked. BM2 want to please BM1 , BUT BM1 is the picky about everything. After I emailed them about the white dress BM1 said "whatever you asked me to wear I will do that, I don't care". The reason why I told them to pick any dress they look is because bm1 is full figure,so she know what type of dress works for her body. They are going to do a white dress and bm1 will have something smart to say about that, but oh well it's my wedding.

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Originally Posted by kendra View Post
I have two bridesmaid, I selected the color and they are fine with color.
This is the issue:
BM1:is in a wedding coming up, that bride and I selected the same color
BM 1 said she will wear the dress to my wedding, not a problem for me
Well BM1 ,think the dress will be to hot for my wedding because of the fabric which is silk shantung and she sweats. I never told her to wear that dress for my wedding.

BM2: BM2 told BM1 that silk shantung dress is too fancy for a beach wedding and she sweats also and will be hot. I came across on dress on Macys
that is perfect for a beach wedding and the perfect color, BM1 said the dress is to clingy for her. Have not heard from BM2 about the dress at Macys.

I am so tried of going back and forth with me, these are 2 chics who have wonderful taste in fashion, I never thought this would be this hard. I picked the color and told them to get a dress that they like and comfortable for the wedding. I emailed both bm today and told them to get a white sun dress, that they like and is comfortable for a beach wedding. My dress is ivory so a white dress for them is not a issue with me.

Was that the best solution to give them?
Girl, you think THEY are picky? lol I could tell you a story...That doesn't sound like they have really gone at it about this just yet. Just you wait and see...

All you can do is arbitrarily pick a dress FOR them and tell them thats that, or let them figure it out on their own keeping in mind the time contstraint. Give them suggestions....let them know what you think, but tell them that they have to come up with something and fast. I gave my girls two choices and that was that. I didn't want thing to drag on down to the wire when they could have been done paying for dresses and that part of the wedding off my mind. I know with the group I have, we would have problems getting EVERYone to agree, so I'm not giving them that much room to DISagree. I want them to be happy with it, so all I can do is a majority rules type of thing. I found a dress for them that I love, and 3 out of 4 of them like as well, so thats it. Sorry, can't please everyone everytime. You hate to do that when they are already forking out money to come to your wedding and participate, but I think they understand pretty much.

Just let them know that its driving you nuts. They are your friends and will take pity on you and come up with something they agree on. Hang tough.
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I'm with manda0812, my three girls are my bridesmaids and they seem to like everything I suggest to them so its been easy and if they hadn't they would just have to do what 'mummy' says (bearing in mind they are 18, 17 and 7)


I hope you sort it out with your bridesmaids as you don't need the hassle.

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I look like an Easter egg for a wedding I am in in a few months but I would never complain about it! I'm going to put in on and wear it with a smile because it's the bride's day, not mine. Don't sweat over them you have plenty of other things going on.

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