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Get me to the gym..

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Alright, I was a college athlete, but have had 2 knee surgeries (one was a year ago). I am having a hard time getting back to the gym. I don't have any health issues.. just lazy issues. I work a day job, and I am also a server at night. I need some advice, and some motivation. I have 3 months to go, and I want to lose about 15lbs. I have been eating healthy, but I need to work out to tighten and tone. Should I start getting up, and going to the gym at 5am, or should I go after work at aroun 930pm.


Help me. I want to look hot in my bikini!!feedback.gif

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If you are uncomfortable with that extra 15, then go for it. Just focus, think about the fact you are going to have pictures that you will have to look for a lifetime not only that bikini. Think of how much better you will feel all energized and fit. That's my motivation. We are a little over a year out, but my FH and I are joining the gym on Saturday.

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I too have knee problems infact only went to the hospital yesterday for x-rays, they say I've got Artheritis and need sergery. I mean Artheritis @ 25!! Anyway its hopfully not going to be too much of an issue but I am too having problems with getting fit and motivation. I have no excuse, home @ 5.30pm with weekends off so I knew how you feel. I have plenty of time so your 3 months alone should motivate you. If you don't do it now you'll regret it and kick yourself, If I was you I would try getting up earlier rather than leaving it late. When you get home all you want to do is chill out, I think you will need to experiment, ,good luck !

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OK....I am not a morning person mad.gif but I do have to say that getting up and running in the morning worked out best for me then waiting until after 9pm. Plus (and I know I might get flack on this) you get your metabolism working faster by working out in the morning. Just make sure you eat something small before you take off.


Start limiting your carbs, mix in some protein shakes for snacks. You will see some major differences depending on your current diet.


I used to work a 9-5 then wait tables until 11pm. I don't know how you will do it. I didnt do anything those nights I worked at the restaurant and I also ate horrible those nights too.


Stay strong. foshizzle.bmpBut I say force yourself up in the morning. Hydroxycut Hardcore helps me. msnwink.gif

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I am SO not a gym girl, but about a month ago I decided it was time to step it up and go to the gym for some toning. I DREADED going, but now that I am in a groove I have to say I am loving it. Seeing the results is the best motivation ever! Once you find your groove you'll be good to go!


As for timing, I tried both working out 1st thing in the morning and after work. For me, mornings work best. After work I was simply too exhausted to move, and even if I was able to get myself to the gym (which was tough) my workouts were much slower and lacking as my body was just soo tired from the full day. I say try both and see what works best for you. Good luck!!!




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Oh also, I would squeeze in 15 - 30 minutes of walking during my lunch at work. Everytime I could, I would squeeze in 15 min. By the end of the day, some days I would have worked out a whole 90 minutes. I swear to you this really pushed me forward in losing the weight I did. If I had free time I was walking or running or whatever.

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I used to work out at night but I found that so many times things would come up and I never made it to the gym even though I had planned on going. If you go in the morning, then there are no excuses (well laziness but just don't be lazy-I tell myself that every morning. What is 30 minutes out of your day?) :). I am definitely NOT a morning person but now I lay my gym clothes out the night before so when my alarm goes off, I literally roll out of bed and go to the gym. If I had one minute to think about it, I would probably just stay in bed. Plus it gets easier the more you do it because then it becomes routine. You can do it girl. Do it for the pictures that will hang on your wall for many years to come!

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I would agree that getting up first thing to go work out has always worked best for me. By the end of the day I have come up with a ton of excuses not to go to the gym and talked myself out of going. I think by going first thing, although at first you may be tired, I think it energizes you. Also, watching that new Bulging Brides show has motivated me (sounds silly but if they can do it so can I).

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