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By Popular Demand: Beck's Passport Template

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Ladies:


I don't know how to say this and not sound unkind, so if I do, I hope you'll forgive me.


The reason that I and other brides post their templates is specifically so that we do not have to e-mail them to people who want them. As you can see from the posts above, lots of people have asked me to e-mail them the templates. I also usually get at least 1-2 requests PMd to me every day, for this or one of the other templates I've posted.


The forum is as amazing as it is because people take the time to share and participate. If that weren't the case, you'd never have an answer to your question, and you'd never see any of the amazing ideas that are posted all over the forum. The forum is intended to be a community, not a database of templates. So, bookmark the templates you want to download. Then stick around and play with us for a while. Get to know us - this is an amazing group of women and men. We're fun! So share your thoughts, tell us what's going on, ask questions.


Pretty soon, you'll have more points than you know what to do with, even after you've downloaded every template that you want.


I hope you'll understand why I don't e-mail my templates, and don't think I'm a big old meanie.



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Thanks for posting Becks! I am thrilled at the thought of getting to do another DIY wedding project, even though it seems like I just got my STDs out. [ok lets be honest-- there are still some sitting next to me that need to get mailed, lol]


but I did have a quick question for you. From the instructions you posted it seemed like you printed these yourself, and I was wondering how many you made, and about how much ink it took.


I'm worried about bringing this to a copy place, because I didn't have the best of luck with the staff, and this would be much more complicated with cardstock and regular weight paper, and everything being double sided. buuut, on the other hand I am going to have to print about 100 of these babies, and that is sounding like a lotta ink.


thanks!!! :)

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