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Boob Job


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They look great and I totally hear you on the naked factor! My boobs used to be a pointed shape too and I totally hated it, but I got pregnant they changed to a more round shape. Now with big boobs and 2 kids, they are...well lets just say they don't sit where they used to!!!! LOL. One more baby and they they can be put inot a higher position and small size!!!!

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Um did you see the multiple rolls down them? My brother loves to grab that excess flub and he can literally grab a handful. He says I don't have knee caps so God just gave me a lot of fat to make up for it. I HAVE KNEE CAPS!! They are just hidden.

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Thanks! I got Saline. I had a lot of breast tissue and my doctor recommended Saline because he felt that it would work with the tissue I had. Silicone is more natural feeling but because I went behind the muscle the implant is hid well behind my natural tissue. I got 350 CC's in each. I got a lift with it because that was the only way to change the actual shape of my breasts. They really look good naked though lol. Which is such a relief.

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Personally I would only do it if they could take the fat from my ass and put it in my boobs. Kill two birds with one stone. LOL


Im more concerned with my ass (hips, stomach, arms, thighs) more than my boobies though. When you got such a hot mess going on underneath the clothing, the boobs actually end up being the best thing because they are suppose to be big and fat. :)


I would take your knee caps any day Kat.

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