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What did you wear to your bridal shower?

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to my first one, i wore black pants and a green sweater...it was at the beginning of january so it was cold!


to the two being thrown for me in june, i plan on wearing some kind of sun dress.

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I'm going to sorta highjack the thread and ask... What do you wear to your shower when it's supposed to be a surprise? Mine is tomorrow and my friends/family know that I live in sweats on the weekend. So if I show up in a cute outfit, they will know that I know and I really don't want to ruin it for them. What should I wear?!?!

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
How about wearing your sweats and keep a bag in your car with clothes that you can go change into? You can play it off that you didn't know it was tomorrow by saying you put the bag there 2 weeks ago for just this reason.
I was thinking of doing that and probably will. I'm hoping that my sisters who know me oh so well will think to bring a change of clothes for me because they will realize what I'll show up wearing and how pissed I'll be...lol!
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