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Alternatives to Bouquet/Garter Toss

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Hey All,


Does anyone have ideas of an alternative to the bouquet toss and garter toss. There are not going to be that many single folks at the wedding and so I feel like there is no point, other than laughing at all the people trying to grab for it!!


My uncles cousin played a game instead of the toss where they had everyone stand up, and they started to ask a series of questions (like, sit down if you have never been married....sit down if you have been married less than a year...etc) until the last people standing won a bottle of champaign and some cigars I believe. Since we are at an AI and theres no point in trying to fly with champaign, I think its a cute idea but not ideal.


I was thinking about presenting my toss bouquet to my mom, but that kinda leaves out his dad and my dad....



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You could do a "dance of the ages" - all couples stand and dance with you.. the MC or whomever you choose, asks the couples who have been married less than X number of years to sit until only 1 couple is standing. The bouquet is presented to the wife and a boutonniere to the husband. This is best when you have a large group of guests but I have done it with smaller groups as well.


Another option is to present your bouquet to a woman in your family or group of friends who serves as an inspiration to you.. or just because! ... I recently had a bride who did this with her brother-in-law's long time girlfriend (not fiancée) to push the guy to propose! It was really cute but it can be a touchy subject if they are not at that stage, you know what I mean?


Although the garter and bouquet toss are a common tradition, it's perfectly acceptable to skip them! IMHO, you are planning a destination wedding, which is anything but traditional so skipping one or two old traditions is not going to kill you! Besides, you still have the cake cutting and dances.. I hear that the Macarena is making a come-back.. (grin!)

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Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze View Post
I don't really *need* to do anything! I keep on going back to the whole traditional thing, but then again, a DW is not necessarily traditional! I don't know why I got so focused on that!
that's what my thoughts were too. we aren't doing it at all.
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Ok I wish more people would get rid of the bouquet/garter toss. When I once was a single girl, I thought it was mortifying to stand up in front of everyone and then desperately try to catch a bouquet so you could be the next one to get hitched. It made me feel like such a loser.


We aren't doing anything either. I doubt we will care because we will be partying to hard to even remember if we did want to do one. wink.gif

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