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Dreams Tulum Site Visit with PICS!

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Okay ladies, here is the first half of the pics from our site visit...(we took a bunch!) anywho...some are blurry...and some well....i'm drunk....you'll see! Anyways...I will post the next batch ASAP!


As for my review....girls..Dreams Tulum is AMAZING! We had a chance to meet with Sandra, and she is so incredibly nice! You can see how overworked she is...however, she has all emails sent to her/or sent by her printed out, and in folders on the compter too! She is organized, and very willing to make your wishes happen! So if she doesn't respond to you...don't worry! (she also mentioned something about her and Landy working on a time each night to set up a chat so that they can chat with all the girls who have questions...it's still in the works though!)


The service at Dreams is amazing. Very friendly, and very eager to help you in any way that they can! However..I wasn't blown away by all of the food. The first night we ate at Seaside grill, and I had the chicken, FI had the steak...we weren't too impressed. Same thing for the Buffet the following morning at World Cafe (I think it depends on time, the earier we went the WAY better the food was). Portofino had amazing food though...and the room service food is really good as well. One day we caught lunch at the sugar reef bar. It was set up buffet stlye...I'm not sure exactly what it was...but if was REALLY GOOD! And they had really good Pico de gallo. Drinks were fantabulous!


Beach.....gorgeous. Looks amazing..although be aware..once you start walking in the water, you will feel the rocks. Sometimes we were fine(depending on where we were at) others..it was painful. I didn't mind too much though!

And I HIGHLY suggest you spend a day at the ruins..most beautiful beach EVER!


trisha0612/Sitevisit1 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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The Underwater cave was part of a snorkel trip we signed up for at Dreams the night before..it's called Mayan Adventures. It took us to 3 locations to snorkel..the pics of the water places (besides the beach). The underwater cave was amazing. It was$80 a person, and they served an awesome lunch afterwards!


Here is the 2nd half.....let me apologize now. My comp is slow and I do NOT feel like messing around and removing some the pics..so as you will see...FI and I really just mess around...ALL of the time....and oh yeah..I have a new pic. to hang on my fridge to motivate me to get BACK in the gym.

Oh and the pic. that looks like my @ss is from an injury I got when I got THRASHED by a huge wave when trying to bodysurf and slammed into a rock..this was at the ruins...

well with that said..ENJOY..and again i apologize for the gross pics of myself! :)


trisha0612/Sitevisit2 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


PS, I do not remember who asked me to take pics. of the bar menu..but on the last day when I asked for a bar menu in the lobby, they looked at me like I had 5 heads..so I dunno. Maybe Sandra can get you a picture/description?

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Trisha! Your pics are so beautiful. Thank you for sending!! It was me who asked for a pic of the bar menu! I ended up emailing the concierge and he just sent me the attached doc which lists it out. if its useful to anyone, its attached. I wanted to make a signature drink or two but use one of their drinks and just rename it, which is why i wanted it. thanks for trying by the way!!!



Dreams tulum Bar menu.xls

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Originally Posted by amy706 View Post
Trisha! Your pics are so beautiful. Thank you for sending!! It was me who asked for a pic of the bar menu! I ended up emailing the concierge and he just sent me the attached doc which lists it out. if its useful to anyone, its attached. I wanted to make a signature drink or two but use one of their drinks and just rename it, which is why i wanted it. thanks for trying by the way!!!

I'm glad you found it! I wasn't sure if they didn't have one, didn't understand..maybe they were new....anyways...Sorry about that!
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Originally Posted by amy706 View Post
Trisha! Your pics are so beautiful. Thank you for sending!! It was me who asked for a pic of the bar menu! I ended up emailing the concierge and he just sent me the attached doc which lists it out. if its useful to anyone, its attached. I wanted to make a signature drink or two but use one of their drinks and just rename it, which is why i wanted it. thanks for trying by the way!!!

Can I have the concierge's email address. I want to contact them re. some group tour info.
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