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The BDW Biggest Loser Club - Season 1


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well, I was thinking I was posting a % loss every Wed. after I got the weights in ... and that % loss would be calculated based on the previous weeks weight.


Example: If you started at 150 pounds (last Wed), then then tomorrow you give me a weight of 147, I will say you've lost 2% that week. But then next Wed. you give me a weight of 143 I'd post that you've lost 2.72% that week - based on the 147 to 143 change - NOT the 150 to 143 change (that would be like 4.67% change). Does that make sense? So if I don't record a weight for that week, what do I do? I will do this however you girls want, but right now my little spreadsheet is calculating the week to week loss, not overall loss. But that can easily be changed! Also, the final % loss (the one that will determine the winner) is based on your starting number compared to your ending number ... the week to week ones are really just to track progress I guess.


I guess I am looking for all sorts of feedback!


I do have everyone's weight from last week, but just didn't get some pictures.

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Ok I did not send my pic in (although I did give Ann my starting weight). Here is my deal. I don't have a computer at home and I can't upload pics at work. (They have a block) I told Ann I would send it to her every Sat. My soon to be in laws live close by so I can just use their computer. However they were gone this weekend. So my plan is to take a pic tomorrow and then send both of those on sat. Is that okay with everyone? I promise I'm not trying to break the rules. LOl. Shoot I even took pics of my fat arse in a sports bra to prove how bohemeth I am.

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I dont Care either way, I guess it will depend it people want to know where they are through out the 8 weeks or if they just wanna know a week by week basis. I perosnally would kinda like to know the totals. I think it would be kinda cool to know where I stand against everyone every week and my total weight lost. Thats just me though, if you guys wanna do it the other way Im all for it too.

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Ann, I like the way you plan on calculating the weight loss. That's what I was thinking as well.


As for the pics, I'm not that concerned about them. Now if someone is losing 5 pounds a week and not sending pics, then we have a problem!


I also like the idea of a little icon or something for that week's winner. I think we can use all the motivation we can get!

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