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The Person Below Me- Game!!!


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Yes...I just knew because at that moment, i honestly felt as if my whole world was totally different and flipped upside down (in a good way =)


Do you wish that youre fiance was willing to be more involved in the wedding process or are you secretly glad that he tends to stay out of it and leaves it all up to you?

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I already got married but I'll have to say, to my face no! hahaha one of my BM for past weddings she's been in and a current one, always has something she's not happy about, we call her the Bridesmaidzilla! haha


are you a faithful sunscreen applier and shade person, or do you enjoy baking in the sun?

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hehehe that's a good white lie!


Yes! I absolutely hated my hair and make up that i had done, and my MOH had the most beautiful hair, and i was jealous that her hair was so pretty and mine sucked! she looked beautiful, but i wasn't jealous about that, just that my hair and make up was terrible sad.gif lol


Was your engagement everything that you could have dreamed of? or were you disappointed in how/when/where he popped the question?

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I wish that I had had more time before the ceremony to have that moment with my dad tht you see in the movies, where he walks in to my room and see me in my dress for the first time. Makes me sad that I didn't get that. Other than that and wishing I did my own hair and make up...nothing!!! loved every second of my wedding! Oh wait...i wish i ate more! i got pretty tipsy at dinner cause I hadn't eaten all day!


If you could punch out any actor or reality star, and not get in trouble or feel bad afterwards....who would it be?

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