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I am so heartbroken..

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Well, after my Aunt put me through all of the heartbreak about not coming, she e-mailed me agian yesterday and said they were for sure coming. That was a HUGE relief for me because I was so upset thinking the only person I am really close to in the family wasn't going to be there.

Now the big challenge is the fact that I will have 2 more adults and 3 children staying in our very small house for the weekend... This weekend is going to be spent doing so serious cleaning and decluttering so I can fit them in the house!!

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I'm so sorry you are going through this. We're in sort of a similar situation. Most of FI's family isn't coming, not because of money but because they have "better things to do!" It really makes you feel like crap! I wish I had some better advice, but know that BDW hearts you!

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I am very sorry to hear this. I am not close to my parents or brother either but my Grandma who I was very close with died last summer and my aunts (and uncles I got 11 of them in all) are either too broke to come or are trying to come but honestly they cant afford it. None of my family threw me a party when I went home for xmas and as far as I know no one is willing to do something for me after I am married. Knowing that i live in another country and spend about 1200.00 to visit Houston each year (sometimes I fly there TWICE a year) and then I end up spending about 1000.00 plus on a rental car and hotel and all the other expenses.... no one has planned to do anything for me.

My biological mother - the one that gave me up for adoption and her family actually put a shower together in a few days during the xmas holiday but my family that I knew all of my life and love so much did squat. Strange huh? At my wedding so far, no one on my side will be there to represent me. My aunt and cousin are trying to make it but its best to expect them not to make it or I will be crushed. ( My biological mother's family were considering putting all their money together to send one person ... how sweet... I told them not to worry... honestly I want MY FAMILY there because I dont feel close to my biological family)

Family is truly important to me but all of my life they have let me down. I see myself getting married and starting a family and raising them to be supportive and loving of each other....

So I know how you must feel. I feel pretty sad for you too. Just hang in there. You have your husband... and thats all that matters!

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