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Originally Posted by mexicanbridewithquestions View Post
Becks I see that you're wedding is in 10 days! From all the research you've done I am sure it will go off without a hitch. Can't wait to see pics and the review
Holy moley!!! I can't believe how quickly it's come. Legal day is Friday, and I leave in a week for Mexico.

I spent about an hour on the phone with Perla yesterday getting rooms straightened out, finalizing things, etc. She is SOOOO great to work with! Have no fears ladies, we are in exceptionally good hands.

I also spoke breifly with the new assistant, who I believe is Daniella. She seemed very nice, and knew all the details of the wedding. Pretty impressive, actually.
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Hi ladies (and guys, if you're out there), best wishes on your engagment and upcoming weddings cheesy.gif I've been reading your posts and have found them to be extremely helpful and fun -- thank you!


My question is pretty basic although the answers may not be so with all the possibilities:


Which wedding package should I get?


The Wish, the Fantasy, the Aqua... there are so many options and customizations.


The plan:

- 50-60 people

- Beach ceremony, cocktail party, reception (no pref on plated or buffet), open bar

- Music during ceremony and DJ/iPod during reception dinner


I would like options for customizing the dinners, bouquets, etc., but I don't have a set idea of what I would like, so I'm pretty flexible when it comes to options.


From your experience, what is the best deal? Is it better to start w/ a basic package and then add on? Or is it better to customize a more elaborate package? My main goal is to get a reasonble rate for the cocktail and reception dinner.



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Originally Posted by nenamono View Post
You are quicker than me, you told everyone before I did LOL. Well I know there is tons I forgot so dont be afraid to ask.

Oh and on the paying one month in advance situation I was told the same thing and Im not sure if they were completely swamped or what but I emailed before we left and asked Perla about it she just told me to have everything ready when I arrived. Due to other weddings and conflictions I dont think I ended up paying until 3 days before the actual wedding. Turns out they did not charge me correctly either, they charged my cc in Pesos instead of the Dollar amount (I didnt even notice). After our wedding ended Perla came over to explain what happened and asked if I could meet with her in the morning to redo the remaing portion of the payment (I felt a little bad b/c it was her day off she was coming in just wrap this up). Due to weather and not having the reception outdoors we never ended up having some decor we requested Perla took this off the bill as well which Im not 100% sure would have been refunded if I had already paid in advance but I would certainly ask this question.
Haha, I was so excited to see them! I had to tell. lol Thanks again for the reviews. I love reading about everyone's experiences at Paradisus.
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Originally Posted by Freckles View Post
Congratulations Michelle! Thank you so much for your detailed reviews, your wedding looked amazing and you were a beautiful bride.

Do you mind if I ask where you got your cake topper? Its so cute.
Did you ever do a site visit or did you make all your decisions through email? We have been told we have to finalize the details a month ahead of time so that they have time to order things....was wondering if anyone else was told this and how easy would this be if we aren't doing a site visit?

Yamille - we havn't got our 09 pricing yet we are basing it on the 08 pricing and leaving room for the price increase as Im sure there will be one!!
The cake topper was a special inside joke between me and my husband so I had it specially made. I went right to etsy.com and I did a search and found a woman who specialized in polymer clay figures and asked if she could make me this. She was great to work with and left no detail out. It was a bit pricey but I loved it. The cake topper was the biggest hit when the cake came out you should of seen everyones reaction Priceless.

We did do a site visit we didnt stay at the resort and the visit wasnt very long b/c we had another appointment to get to but we knew after leaving that was the place hands down. Everything else was done solely through email I never made a phone call once which is pretty scarey now that I think about it. LOL.

Becks- OMG I cant believe it you are so close!!!! Are you excited or what? Are you more excited for legal day Friday or Mexico =)
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Thanks Michele! Definitely more excited for Mexico. The legal thing is a formality, really.


Fanny: with regard to pricing. We priced things out as (a) part of a package and (B) totally customized. For us, we have a lot of customized stuff. In the packages, the wish was the cheapest by about $1000. But when we did everything ala carte, we actually found that it saved us another $250 or so - because we weren't using the bouquet or bout, we had an open bar so no need for separate champagne, etc., etc.


The WCs will work with you to figure out how best to customize everything and then to price everything to give you the best deal they can. They are great that way.

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Hey Girls, so I am trying to commit to Paradisus and was wondering about the room rates per person, I have seen some conflicting info. I know it depends on the season, I have a date reserved for June 12 2009, was just wondering if anyone could let me know about how much a 4 and 7 night stay would be...Thank you!

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Originally Posted by Ashleykmorgan View Post
Hey Girls, so I am trying to commit to Paradisus and was wondering about the room rates per person, I have seen some conflicting info. I know it depends on the season, I have a date reserved for June 12 2009, was just wondering if anyone could let me know about how much a 4 and 7 night stay would be...Thank you!
Ashley, it'll depend on your room category. Your best bet would be to check out some different websites like travelocity, aol travel, priceline and also contact a TA so that they can price it out for you. You are going to find different prices depending which source you use. For me, I found that my TA got the best price. Good luck.

If it helps at all, in June my guests could have booked for $885 for 3 nights 4 days or $1042 for 4 nights 5 days. This included round trip airfare from JFK. I do believe that airfare has gone up since then tho.
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Not that it has any bearing on things next year, but, for the regular (non Royal Service) rooms:


for a single, my guests are paying $250 per night.


for a double room it is $325 (total for 2).

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