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Banning Beef!


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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
There are healthy ways to be a vegeterian. Beans, nuts, soy, etc are good sources of protein. But, I can not eat soy. It makes me feel so sick. You can always just cut down on your meat consumption (which is a healthy thing to do-most people eat too much meat). And then try to buy the right kind of meat. I believe that there is meat where the animals are treated ethically. Sorry, I don't know more about this. I don't buy much meat. Usually my only meat comes from going out to eat chicken fajitas. Even then I mostly eat beans & veggies.

You can get free range eggs, etc.
No you've def helped me, thanks much. I was talking to Joe about it last night b/c we're going food shopping Sat. We were going to make stuffed peppers with beef, but I told him about my banning beef thing. He said he'd do it with me. So I'll write down a list of good healthy foods. I'm not a animal activists or anythig but WTF man!

I know not all slaughter houses are cruel to the animals but just seeing that one video made my stomach turn. And to STILL be thinking about it 2 days later, um YEAH I must be insane. Any therapists on line? (Kidding.)
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I thought you had a "beef" about someone being banned when I read the thread title.


I saw the video and it's very upsetting. The local schools have taken meat out of their menus for awhile because that meat got into our food supply. (At least that's what I heard on the news).


Gross.. but then I think about what the farmers do to those poor veggies. They yank them from the ground and cut their tops off! lol j/k bootyshake.gif

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Originally Posted by QuelMoffett View Post
Did anyone see the disturbing video of the slaughter house pushing the cow with the fork lift? Well I saw it 2 days ago and it made me so upset I actually filled up with tears. crybaby2.gif I felt so bad for these animals, and two days later am still thinking about it. They had these workers at a slaughter house who abused the animals there, kicked them, ran them over with for lifts, and just treated them like they were pieces of shit. I KNOW and uderstand they are there for one reason and that is to become our food. Its sad, but I understand we all have to eat and survive...however I dont think they should be mistreated in the way this video showed. It was disgusting and the cows were SO scared. There's no reason to abuse any animal- whether they are in a slaughter house or not. I am on a "Beef Banning" kick right now. I guess I just never thought what happens at slaughter houses or how mean people would treat them. I should have known being the animal lover that I am. To see it with my own eyes made me decide I'm not eating beef anymore. I'm strickly on a fish, and chicken diet.
i saw it too - it made me sick to my stomach. what bothered me the most was how all the headlines were focused on the distribution and possible side effects for all us (when there has not been ONE case of anyone getting sick at this point) and not one article/broadcaster came close to discussing / reporting the capacity of the human beings who are freely abusing and mis-treating these animals. how can people live with themselves? i don't understand the morality / character that can allow someone to treat a living creature so cruelly? it is so unbelievable. i was a vegetarian for over 15 years. i do now eat poultry, fish and red meat (bison and beef) but i eat red meat like 5x a year. i ONLY eat from sources i can trust (whole foods, etc), sustainable farming - it is more expensive but for me it is all about priorities - i don't want to eat the meat from an animal that has been abused - that is just wrong to me.

i also was crying and have not been able to stop thinking about those images. the souls of the animals. i don't think there is anything morally or ethically wrong with human beings eating animal flesh, it is the raising and killing methods that are so fundamentally disturbing. besides the fact that US factory farmers stuff their cattle/poultry with antibiotics, dirty feed and hormones to make their meat more plump, juicy, whatever.

sorry for the rant but this is something that i feel strongly about and i am glad you posted a thread to discuss it. smile03.gif
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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
Gross.. but then I think about what the farmers do to those poor veggies. They yank them from the ground and cut their tops off! lol j/k bootyshake.gif
ROFL! I don't know if you listen to 97.1, but last week Frosty was talking about how he hopes he lives to see scientific evidence that plants feel pain too so he can say "ha ha" to the vegetarians...lol I thought it was funny :P
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Originally Posted by QuelMoffett View Post
No you've def helped me, thanks much. I was talking to Joe about it last night b/c we're going food shopping Sat. We were going to make stuffed peppers with beef, but I told him about my banning beef thing. He said he'd do it with me. So I'll write down a list of good healthy foods. I'm not a animal activists or anythig but WTF man!

I know not all slaughter houses are cruel to the animals but just seeing that one video made my stomach turn. And to STILL be thinking about it 2 days later, um YEAH I must be insane. Any therapists on line? (Kidding.)
I stopped eating meat from the age of 10-15. It was really hard. There were so many times I had to eat some pathetic meal because the only food available was meat. I finally caved at 15 after a swim meet. I was so hungry & my coach bought us all chicken sandwiches. It was either that or be hungry. I do find my life a lot easier now that I'll eat meat occasionally. I can have a cheesburger at BBQs or when we are camping. it's also easier because I know filling, healthy non meat meals now.

Here are some of my favorites:
bean burritos- fat free canned refried beans, mexican cheese wrapped in a tortilla. I wrap it up in the morning & microwave it for 30 seconds at lunch.

hummus wraps- Hummus is really cheap & easy to make. I wrap it in a tortilla (can you tell this texas girl loves tortillas) and add lettuce, italian dressing, & whatever else I feel like. Very good & filling.

maybe we can start a thread for healthy recipes.
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Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
i saw it too - it made me sick to my stomach. what bothered me the most was how all the headlines were focused on the distribution and possible side effects for all us (when there has not been ONE case of anyone getting sick at this point) and not one article/broadcaster came close to discussing / reporting the capacity of the human beings who are freely abusing and mis-treating these animals. how can people live with themselves? i don't understand the morality / character that can allow someone to treat a living creature so cruelly? it is so unbelievable. i was a vegetarian for over 15 years. i do now eat poultry, fish and red meat (bison and beef) but i eat red meat like 5x a year. i ONLY eat from sources i can trust (whole foods, etc), sustainable farming - it is more expensive but for me it is all about priorities - i don't want to eat the meat from an animal that has been abused - that is just wrong to me.

i also was crying and have not been able to stop thinking about those images. the souls of the animals. i don't think there is anything morally or ethically wrong with human beings eating animal flesh, it is the raising and killing methods that are so fundamentally disturbing. besides the fact that US factory farmers stuff their cattle/poultry with antibiotics, dirty feed and hormones to make their meat more plump, juicy, whatever.

sorry for the rant but this is something that i feel strongly about and i am glad you posted a thread to discuss it. smile03.gif
totally agree with you! Also, the ground sirloin from whole foods is so good I can't stand regular ground beef now. Its totally worth the extra money. I think it's like $6 a pound so its really not bad. besides, you save a lot on your grocery bill by not eating lots of meat.

I bought some hormone free chicken from trader joes the other day. I haven't tried it yet.

I also plan on switching to milk from a local dairy farm that has good practices.
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
Here are some of my favorites:
bean burritos- fat free canned refried beans, mexican cheese wrapped in a tortilla. I wrap it up in the morning & microwave it for 30 seconds at lunch.

hummus wraps- Hummus is really cheap & easy to make. I wrap it in a tortilla (can you tell this texas girl loves tortillas) and add lettuce, italian dressing, & whatever else I feel like. Very good & filling.

maybe we can start a thread for healthy recipes.
Yum! Good idea. When I lived in the dorms I lived off of beans, rice, and tortillas....I kind of still do :P Please start the meat-free/healthy thread, I need to get back to my old, healthier eating habits :)
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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
Yum! Good idea. When I lived in the dorms I lived off of beans, rice, and tortillas....I kind of still do :P Please start the meat-free/healthy thread, I need to get back to my old, healthier eating habits :)
i am going to start one now!!
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