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The best workout DVDs I have ever owned- P90X


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I just bought this. I did a boot camp last summer and a coworker said this was very similar. I think FI will be willing to do this with me, but who knows if it will work for us. I'm pretty competitive. We did yoga together once and I had to keep pushing him over because he was so much better then me. :-) Looking forward to getting started. I was talked into a half marathon in a few weeks, so I need all the help I can get.

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I can't get back into it... I just want to punch Tony Horton in the face so I went and got the boot camp biggest loser and was thinking for how much my butt gets kicked at p90x that it was going to be easy... ITS NOT... I think the boot camp makes me hurt more during the workout and does better on my legs and butt. But I love core synergies and cardio x-- ab ripper just hurts!

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Ok, I need somebody to kick my A$$ into gear and force me to do this!


Did it for about a week with FI, and of course with having to go out and Thanksgiving and various things that got in the way, we stopped for a couple days and now its been two weeks since we've done it! I really want FI to do it with me - to help me be accountable for it, but he just got a new landscaping/construction job and works till 6 or 7, then when he comes home he doesn't want to do it!!! (I don't really blame him - he does work hard all day)


Anyway, PLEASE help encourage me to do this! My wedding is less than 6 months away, and I REALLY want to shed some extra poundage!


thank you.

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Hey girlie girls! Today starts my 45 day countdown to the wedding. I was down 25 pounds, but gained back 10 and I blame stress. So we started the lean version yesterday and I have to drop those dang 10 plus a little more if possible. I know that sounds ambitious but really I know that the extra weight is all bloating (TMI but I have to say it outloud to get motivated). For some incentive why don't we go to the have you excercised thread and post there when you did a P90X workout?

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Mine came in the mail yesterday, so I need to watch the intro video and see what else is in there. Do you need to start on a certain day or just jump in and go? I mentioned it to my coworker and she said she just bought it too. So we're going to keep tabs on eachother! I think Fi will start with me and join when he want's to, but I think I need to keep myself motivated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These videos are great!! FI and I are in week 7 of the program and people have noticed changes in both of us. The best news for me.... my dress is too big now! 114 days until wedding day... I'm hoping we don't get sidetracked with the upcoming holidays :)

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I'm thinking of buying these DVD's. My gym membership expired and I don't feel like paying all that money to renew it! Plus, it's a bunch of sweaty douchebags running around in there staring at girls, and I can do without that environment.


So, can you lose weight on these videos? Is there enough cardio or is it all toning? I'm used to running for 30 minutes and then doing my weight training. Will I like this program?


What accessories do I need? Dumbbells? Resistance bands?

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