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Originally Posted by yoAzul View Post
I confess Im so sad today
Yael- I feel so bad for you, I have been thinking about you and Tracy and Lisa non stop.

Are you still planning on going? Can the Europe people come?

I am def sending psotivie thoughts and prayers for you!!
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Yael- I second Erika. I can't stop thinking about you girls and I am just beside myself- wishing there was something I could do to help. This sucks because you should be filled with excitment and annticipation right now waiting for your day, not upset and worried.


A couple of the brides from my resort are from Canada and their trips have been cancelled for them- I don't even know what to say to them sad.gif


Hang in there, we are here for you.

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I'm annoyed because we're trying to have a medium sized wedding (no more than 100 people), but FI's parents insisted on inviting 40 of their friends, meaning that we will have to have a bigger wedding than we wanted to - which is stressful because extra people means extra cost!

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i confess that it's kinda aggravating me that my FI seems sorta unconcerned with the whole swine flu vs. our wedding thing. like "oh well." if people cancel, "oh well," if we'll have to scramble to move the location last minute, "oh well," if we might have to end up cancelling everything and just getting married at city hall, "oh well, it is what it is."


i mean, he's absolutely right in that there is really nothing we can do about this, and getting upset won't help, but geez, it's coming off like he could care less whether we got married at all! if nothing else, at least don't dismiss my feelings as me being "stupid" for getting all worked up over something i can't control. stfu.gif


in truth, he's kinda always like this. for instance, he thinks he actually "wins" arguments by keeping calm, cool, and collected while i scream and throw a fit. i always tell him, "just because i'm crazy doesn't mean i'm wrong!"

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