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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
Ditto, only replace your FI's name with my DH's name & 9 yr old daughter with 16 year old son. :)
GRRRRRRR! If you ever need to go for a drink to vent, let me know! We can swap horror stories wink.gif
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My confession... which is not so secret because I've told Brian about it, but MIL is starting to seriously GET ON MY NERVES. She's so super clingy when it comes to Brian. She calls about EVERYDAY to talk about the stupidest stuff. Like "Oh I want to tell Brian how I found a set of pencils with the name Brian on them." She spent the night over at our house on Valentine's Day (she invited herself!!), when she comes and visits, it's not for a couple of hours like my parents, but for 8 freaking hours (and she doesn't live far). There's more, but I could go on forever. She is just driving me freaking crazy. It bugs me even more Brian isn't telling her to back off even though he's annoyed too. He says he wants to avoid drama, but I swear, he's so not gonna like it if I snap and tell her to back off.

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My future in laws are so dang pretentious, snooty shameonyou.gif and into keeping up appearances (not in the aesthetic way....more socially) that sometimes I want to just get wasted at one of their fancy little parties and run around naked smile117.gif or flash someone to liven things up. I think that would be just delightful.....shitfan.gif

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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
GRRRRRRR! If you ever need to go for a drink to vent, let me know! We can swap horror stories wink.gif
Dude - we totally have to do this! You work like 10 minutes from where I work. Lets put something together for sure. Because honestly, there is never a time I don't need a drink...nor a time when I don't need to vent.
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Here's mine: We live 50 minutes from my FI's family and only see them twice a year if that. My family is 1200 miles away. Which is fine because they are insane. I'm secretly sad that I'm not marrying into a close family that spends a lot of time together because I've never had that. His neices and nephews barely know my name, and we have been dating for almost 6years.


Who knows, maybe this is a blessing?! LOL!


Oh, and I hate my mom's husband and get sick to my stomach at the fact that he will be at the wedding and my dad won't.

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