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Have you exercised today?

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Since we are leaving in exactly 1 month today (yay!!!!) I decided to up the ante and do more cardio as I still have 5 lbs to go before departure. This morning, I woke up 30 minutes earlier than my 1 hour commute requires, and ran 30 minutes on the treadmill (3 miles). Tonight, will be going to yoga.

It is on, it is SOOOOO on!!!

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Originally Posted by ashey063009 View Post
Woo Hoo Chanti-- Kudos on stepping it up for final month. FI and I leave exactly one month from today-- although Wday is actually still 1 month and 9 away.

1 Hip Hop Yoga class followed by a loooong and difficult Hot Yoga class. Lovin the sweat.
Us too! Your day is right after ours!
Did 1.5 hours of power yoga tonight.
Getting ready for my AM run, will go to bead early now.
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Ran 3.1 miles this morning before heading out on my commute. Might take a break tonight, FI downloaded the first episode of So You Think You Can Dance for us to watch together after work tonight. Yes, he loves it too!!!

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