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Have you exercised today?

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Originally Posted by Ana View Post
You can totally do it! Honestly the first month and a bit sux because you're not totally into a routine yet, and you're seeing minimal results. But something happens around the 2nd month and suddenly there's big changes in your body etc... by then you're in a pretty good routine too and seeing the changes is a huge motivator. At least that's what I've found in myself. Its easy to keep it going after that because you've seen what you can do cheesy.gif Keep up the good work! punk.gif

See, that's my problem. I don't see results fast enough so my routine stops. I've always been tiny and never had a weight problem, I just want to be toned. But my kids do it with me so it makes it fun. You should see them doing Tae Bo LOL, too funny!! But I'm going to stick with it this time because we have our girls trip in July, Cruise in December and then I get married in March. We will see what happens.
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Alrighty....checking in from last week's workouts:

Monday: Took Off

Tuesday: triceps, shoulders, chest; 45 min cardio

Wednesday: Back, biceps, lats, no cardio

Thursday: AM cardio (55 min)

Friday: Off

Saturday: Chest, Triceps, shoulders with Andy; 55 min cardio

Sunday: Lats, back, biceps with Andy; 40 min cardio

This week:

Monday: AM light push workout & 35 min cardio

Tuesday: Gone for work conference in Seattle; bringing gear for hotel gym

Wednesday: hotel gym cardiohuh.gif

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Originally Posted by Ana View Post
I ran in a big race for the first time today. I usually run on my own or with a partner, but being surrounded by 59,000 people all running at the same time, is really something else. Its inspired me to begin training for the Toronto Marathon in October cheesy.gif I'm so excited! I think I'm going to join a running clinic which so that I can learn how to do this correctly.
I did this a couple of years ago. The Canadian running series , in Toronto is a great race schedule to work up to the marathon. The Running room offers some great clinics. I always had the most fun at these races, and the final marathon is such a blast, the marathon for this use to be in september.

well I am off to the gym to do some cardio and weights, hmmm and maybe a steam after:)
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First day to the gym. I signed up last week and kept coming up with excuses, no one to work out with (hubby was out of town), that time of the month, yada yada yada. Well today at work several ladies were talking about working out and it got me excited. I went to the gym and went on the treadmill for 35min. It's not much but it's a start. I had a spinal fusion to my lower back in Sept so I am starting out slowly, I meet with a personal trainer tomorrow night!smile29.gif

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