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Have you exercised today?

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Originally Posted by DLyteful View Post
Where my girls athuh.gif!!!!

I worked out today!!!! I'm being consistent which is a good step for me!

YAY! I worked out today too. Another 3.5 miles on the elliptical and just a short arms workout afterwards, about 15 minutes.
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Hey girls!! I haven't been here in a while, but I promise I've been working out! Monday I did 20 min on the elliptical, ran a mile and did a 15 min abs class. Tuesday I did chest and tri's and ran a mile. Yesterday I did a 15 min abs class and a step 'n sculpt class. My body is so sore today!! I have my company Christmas party tonight, so I get a little break.


WTG Girls!!!! Keep up the good work!!

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A friend of mine who is a personal trainer has just opened up a new gym. It is for boxing/kickboxing/wrestling type of stuff. I used to work out with him one-on-one before I bought my car (cant afford it now). He asked if I would draw up his membership forms and other business forms so I told him I would if I could work out for FREE! He agreed (SUCKER! - I would have done them anyway) I am going today after work. Woo Hoo! I am so exicted. I love working out when boxing and kickboxing is involved. My FI is a professional boxer so you would think I work out all the time. Not the case. He is not "mean" enough when we work out together. He lets me quit when I want. I need someone who will tell me "NO!" Thanks for listening...I am so excited.cheer2.gif

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So, I worked out the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday before the Saturday wedding. After that...not so much. Today was my first day back. I did 55 minutes on the elliptical. My heart rate was higher than I wanted, but it'll be back to normal soon enough. I actually weighed less than I did before I left. That just means I lost muscle though.


I'm hoping to get in 3 days a week consistently now that the wedding is over. We are starting to plan our real honeymoon - which is to Africa and includes climbing Kilimanjaro - so I'm going to be doing a lot of hiking/camping for exercise over the next year. It's good motivation to stay in shape!!!

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